
Summer Courses on Campus

Summer Term is open to current Drew students, as well as visiting students from other colleges and universities, college graduates and college level students not currently engaged in any formal educational program. High school juniors and seniors, ready to sample higher education, may also attend college classes taught by our distinguished faculty.

Learn more about applying for…

On Campus Classes for College Students >

Early College Program for High School Students >

On Campus Classes for College Students

2024 Dates

  • Session I: May 20 – June 28, 2024
  • Session II: July 1 – August 9, 2024

Both are six weeks in duration, but within this date range shorter sessions will be embedded.


For Cost and Fees Information, please see our Schedule of Tuition and Fees.

Financial statements are provided through the TreeHouse portal only (they will not be mailed). Payment is due in full before the start of classes. Financial aid is not available for Summer Term.

Visiting Students

Visiting students must be in good academic standing at their home school and have successfully met all course prerequisites in order to enroll. It is the responsibility of visiting students to secure approval from their home schools before registering for summer classes. Drew cannot guarantee that a course will be transferable, but will provide course syllabi to assist with this process. To register:

  1. Submit the application by clicking the “Apply for Classes” button below.
  2. Once your application has been processed you will receive an email asking you to activate your Drew account. Activating your account gives you access to TreeHouse, your student portal online.  Access to TreeHouse is required in order to register for classes, submit required health forms, to view your statement of charges and to register your car for a parking pass.
  3. Once you have access to your TreeHouse student portal, click on “Add or Drop Classes” under the “Registrar” heading to register for classes. Please review the “Registration Instructional link” for further assistance with the registration process, though keep in mind a pin number is not required for summer classes.
  4. If you wish to attend a course for which the prerequisite requirements were fulfilled at a school other than Drew, please contact the instructor of record to request a Prerequisite/Registration Override.
  5. Go to the Admitted Student page for information regarding health forms required of all students attending classes at Drew, parking, housing and other services.

Early College Program for High School Students

To qualify for the Early College program, high school junior and senior students must demonstrate strong academic and extracurricular achievement.

Admitted students may attend introductory (100 level) college courses for academic credit. Students who are interested in attending an intermediate (200 level) or upper (300 level) course can only do so if all per-requisites have been successfully completed and permission has been granted by the instructor of record.

Courses Open to High School Students


For Cost and Fees information, please see our Schedule of Tuition and Fees.


High school students must first apply for admission to the Early College program. Once the application is reviewed and the student has been admitted, instructions will be provided on how to register for classes.

In addition to the online application, high school juniors and seniors must submit the following for all courses:

  • Official copy of high school transcript
  • Two letters of recommendation: one from a high school teacher, one from high school guidance counselor.
  • Minors must have the written permission of parent/guardian (additional information will be provided once the student has been accepted).
  • Please email all application materials to: [email protected] or [email protected].