- Policy Statement
- The Drew University Library has a number of group spaces where Drew students, faculty, and staff may pursue scholarship and knowledge.This policy discusses the use of group spaces within the Drew University Library.
- Purpose
- The purpose of this policy is to provide a fair, equitable, and rational method for use of this shared resources.
- Audience
- All members of the Drew community.
- Guidelines and Procedures
- The Library, and its partners in the Academic Commons (University Technology, Instructional Technology, and the Center for Academic Excellence) reserve the right to limit the use of the following rooms* to their primary purpose:
- UT/Library Classroom
- Multi-Purpose Room/Digital Humanities Classroom
- Pilling Room
- Doctoral Student Lounge
- Staff Room
- Faculty and staff of the Library, University Technology, Instructional Technology, and the Center for Academic Excellence may schedule events and classes in the UT/Library Classroom and the Staff Room at their discretion for their own use, provided there is no event or class previously scheduled at the same date/time. Any events planned in the Multipurpose Room/Digital Humanities Classroom should be approved by Instructional Technology staff before being scheduled.
- Requests for use of these rooms by other campus groups must be approved four weeks in advance to determine that such use will not intrude upon or negatively impact the needs of those coming to study or to use the various services offered within the Library’s walls. Requests by non-AC units will also be screened to ensure that such use does not conflict with previously-scheduled events, the Library’s open hours, the food and drink policy, etc.
- All rooms may be used at the discretion of the Office of the President and the Board of Trustees during the fall and spring semesters, provided such use does not conflict with reading day/exam periods.
- *Use of the Thomas H. Kean Reading Room and the Library’s Group Study Rooms are governed by separate policies. Classroom use of LC16 is scheduled by the Registrar; this room may be used for individual or group study when not being used by scheduled classes.
- The Library, and its partners in the Academic Commons (University Technology, Instructional Technology, and the Center for Academic Excellence) reserve the right to limit the use of the following rooms* to their primary purpose:
- Contacts
- The following Office/Administrator can address questions regarding this Policy:
- Office of the University Library Director, Elizabeth Leonard, (973) 408-3322, [email protected].
- Contacts for the following:
- Requests by non-AC campus units to schedule an event in the UT/Library classroom and the Multi-Purpose Room are handled by the Circulation Dept: (973) 408-3486.
- Should additional services be needed, approved requesting units should contact the Media Resource Center at [email protected].
- Office of Auxiliary Services work orders may be emailed to [email protected]; their phone number is (973) 408-3103.
- The following Office/Administrator can address questions regarding this Policy:
Challenge Statement