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Network User Agreement

Approving University Official: Vice President of Finance and Administration

Responsible Office: Office of University Technology

Effective Date: Prior to December 31, 1995

Next review date: July 1, 2022

I. Policy Statement

Computing resources are provided for the use of faculty, students and staff for academic or

administrative purposes. The privilege of use is not transferable to another member of the

Drew community, to an outside individual, or to an outside organization. Misuse of computer

facilities is considered a serious judicial offense at Drew and carries sanctions for anyone found

in violation of the University’s policy.

As a member of the Drew community, there are rules and policies by which you must abide to

keep the network secure and available for all to use, and to maintain an atmosphere where all

are welcome. Your use of Drew’s networking services connects you to the entire Drew

community and to the world via the Internet, and therefore reflects on you and on the


Please take these responsibilities seriously and read this agreement carefully.

II. Purpose

This policy is intended to protect the University network and the community’s ability to fulfill

the University’s mission.

III. Audience

All members of Drew University community.

IV. Definitions

Network: The system of computers, servers and peripherals that enable the Drew campus to

interact with the rest of the internet.

uLogin Account: The account protected by your Drew username and password which gives you

access to various Drew services.

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V. Procedures

Use of the Drew University network indicates acceptance of the following:

1. The Drew network is to be used primarily for purposes of fulfilling the University’s

mission. It is intended to be used as a tool to enhance education and research and to

facilitate administrative work and is not available for unrestricted use for other

purposes. Use of the Drew network for other purposes will always be restricted in favor

of academic or administrative usage when the situation dictates.

2. The University provides the Drew network exclusively to you as a member of the Drew

community. Your network identity and uLogin account uniquely identify you, and are

not transferable to other members of the Drew community or to people outside of


3. Protect your uLogin password or other credentials at all times and do not share them

with others. You will be held responsible for all activities which occur with your uLogin


4. The Drew network is a shared resource. Therefore, network use or applications which

inhibit or interfere with the use of the network by others are not permitted. At times,

network administrators may ask you to restrict your use of the network or not to use

the network because of a temporary condition. You must comply with those requests.

Applications which use an unusually high proportion of network bandwidth for

extended periods of time, including, but not limited to, running servers or network

games, are not permitted and may be shut down, with the user contacted as soon as


5. There are University standards for network software and hardware that can be used on

the Drew network. Computers, network cards and software issued by Drew become the

standard. Use of hardware or network software other than the University standard

without permission may be restricted. Hardware or software that interferes with

network operation will be removed or disabled.

6. Users of the Drew network must comply with federal, state, and local laws and

ordinances including U.S. copyright law.

7. Users of the Drew network can expect that their data is confidential and secure.

Network administrators will access data on the system, either stored or in transit, only

to maintain network operation or security, and will adhere to the SAGE Code of Ethics

when doing so. Contents of personal files may be accessed by programs designed to do

heuristic searches for materials that could interfere with network operation or security.

Files may be individually searched for investigative purposes only when ordered by a

court of competent jurisdiction, or when there is an alleged violation of University

regulations and the search is authorized by a dean, vice president, president, or their


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designated representatives. Search and notification procedures in accordance with

University policies will be followed.

8. Drew network services and wiring may not be modified, tampered with or extended.

This applies to all network wiring, network jacks and hardware. If you cause damage by

modifying or tampering with network wiring, jacks or hardware, you will be held

financially responsible for such damage and may be subject to disciplinary procedures.

9. Malicious use of the network is strictly forbidden by University computer usage policies.

This includes but is not limited to: sending harassing or threatening messages;

attempting to forge messages, crack passwords, intercept data or circumvent server

security; sending bulk unsolicited email; or sending data intended to disrupt services.

10. Support of the Drew network is provided by University staff, student employees and

outside vendors. Drew’s goal is to provide 24 hour service to all users. In the event of

critical system failures (loss of an entire building, critical server, or large amount of

network infrastructure) we strive for a 2 hour response time, with an 8 hour resolution.

We will strive to resolve non-critical issues within 2 business days.

Network Guidelines and Policies

Drew’s network services are primarily made available for academic and work-related use for

faculty, staff, and students. The following policies and guidelines for these systems apply as a

supplement to the standard computer and network usage guidelines:

● Any software to be installed on the network for use by multiple users must be

submitted through documented standard procedures and in accordance with all

relevant licensing restrictions. Software will be metered to restrict access

according to the license agreements, and when possible software will be

installed in public areas of the server to provide the widest possible access to

these materials.

● Personal materials should be kept on your personal network (F: drive), your hard

drive, or on backup media such as thumb drives. Please refer to Storage Options

and Backing Up Your Data for more information.

Although system backups are performed, it is still the responsibility of the user to keep their

own backup copies in case of emergency. System backups are for the purpose of rebuilding the

system in case of system failure.

Other servers may not be established or maintained on the campus network without prior

consultation with University Technology. This is so we can be certain that network service and

security are maintained, and to maximize the benefit of such services to the University.

University Technology reserves the right to not allow servers on the network if the functionality