
Where They’re Going: Kavita Gordon C’22

“I have had professors here that worked very hard to help me become the greatest student I can be.”

May 2022 – We’re taking a look at where some of the Drew University College of Liberal Arts Class of 2022 is heading.

Kavita Gordon C’22

Sociology major, psychology minor (BA/MAT concentration)

Senior advisor for club volleyball, manager of The Pub, Orientation Coordinator, and Orientation Leader

Where she’s going

Gordon will enroll in the Masters of Arts and Teaching (MAT) program in the Caspersen School of Graduate Studies where she will pursue her masters in elementary education with a special education endorsement.

Why stay at Drew?

“I chose Drew’s MAT program because of the unique opportunity it gave me to be able to get my masters degree in only one year. Being in the BA/MAT undergrad concentration gave me the opportunity to meet a few of the professors in the program and start to build relationships with them. I’ve known that I wanted to go into education for a while and this program is a great and quick way for me to get there with a higher education. I also like that I was able to get my BA in a field other than education because it allowed me to explore other interests I have and will potentially make me more marketable.”

Making connections

“Throughout my time at Drew I was very lucky to have mentors in and out of the classroom. I made connections with other students that allowed me to end up in the leadership positions I have held over the years. My relationships with my bosses in admissions and student activities have pushed me to be the best professional version of myself and provided me with the tools to work on those skills. I have had professors here that worked very hard to help me become the greatest student I can be. My professors have always had my best interest at heart and did everything they could to aid me in being successful. I have made the best friends here at Drew who love and support me in every way they can, which has been incredibly helpful and I am endlessly thankful for.”

more on the class of 2022

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