Recycling is a community effort and state law in New Jersey! It is mandatory for each member of the Drew faculty, staff, and student body to separate their recycling and place it in the proper receptacle. After separation by the community, it is the responsibility of Drew Facilities to manage recyclable material and waste until it is recycled.
RecycleMania 2019 is February 5th until April 1st. This friendly competition among college and universities shows who is the best RecycleManiac — reduce your waste and increase your recycling.

How to Recycle…
Bottles Cans Mixed Paper and Cardboard
Single Stream Recycling
Please empty & rinse containers before recycling. Food in the recycling contaminates the whole bin.
- Empty Glass & Cans
- Remember that plastic bags can be processed through Single Steam Recycling
- Empty Food & Juice Boxes
- Cereal, Snack, and Tissue Boxes (no tissues or napkins)
- Juice Boxes, Soymilk Boxes
- Mixed Paper: Copy paper, Newspaper, Magazines, Flyers
- Plastic Bottles & Containers coded #1-7
- Plastic Containers include: empty bottles, empty plastic tubs such as yogurt containers, empty thick plastic containers with code #1-7 under the container
- Flattened Cardboard
- Delivery Boxes
- Pizza Boxes: remove oily bottom part and put in trash, recycle top part
What Not to Recycle
Place These Items in the Trash
- Plastic Bags or Styrofoam
- Food wrappers
- Foam & Styrofoam
- Paper cups, Paper Plates
- Paper Towels & Napkins & Tissues
- Disposable Cutlery (Plastic Utensils, Plastic Straws)
- Compostable Cups are not recyclable on campus and should go into the trash
Everything Else
Send empty cartridges in a box or envelope through inter-campus mail for recycling to: “Ink Cartridge Recycling, Receiving Department.” Cartridges can also be taken to Staples and other office supply stores for recycling.
CFLs are energy-efficient bulbs that replace incandescent bulbs and fit into light sockets. Bring your campus-generated spent/dead compact fluorescent light bulbs to the front desk of the Facilities Department in the Pepin Building. Map to Pepin Building. Home Depot will also take unbroken CFLs from homeowners (bring to return service desk). LED lightbulbs save even more energy than CFLs and do not need to be recycled.
LED Lightbulbs (Light Emitting Diode)
The campus campus is in the process of working to shift to increasing the number of LED bulbs and fixtures used in our buildings. Though, in some cases, the cost to change the futures to LED compatible bulbs can be particularly expensive, LED bulbs provide great brightness while using much less energy than traditional light bulbs.
Students should bring re-chargeable batteries to the basement of Seminary Hall Cyber Cafe where the battery recycling receptacle is located. Departments may drop off batteries there as well or bring them to the Pepin Services Center. Single use batteries can be put in the waste bins due to new regulations limiting mercury content.
Rechargeable batteries generated off-campus should be recycled at your county’s household hazardous waste drop off. More information.
Electronics may contain toxins and heavy metals and need to be separated from regular waste to prevent possible release into water bodies and land.
The Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority of NJ oversees programs for waste and recycling for Morris County residents.
Move Out
All paper, metal cans, glass and plastic containers must be recycled
examples: cardboard, box board, notebook paper; jars, bottles; drink cans
All broken electronics must be recycled by placing a work request with Facilities. Make sure to include your building and room number and place the item outside your door for pick up with a sign stating “broken.”
examples: tv, refrigerator, microwave, computer
Donate other items
examples: clothes, fans, clocks, and other items can be put in the collection bins for Big Brothers Big Sisters.
More Information and Ways to Recycle
The annual 8-week competition challenges colleges and universities across the United States and Canada to collect the most recyclable materials.
Recycle ALL paper, cardboard, bottles, cans, and all other Single Stream recyclables!
Recycle EVERYWHERE ON CAMPUS and the volume will get added to our school’s total.
Email your residence hall’s EcoRep RecycleMania questions.
The main goal of this event is to increase student awareness of campus recycling and waste minimization. All participating schools are required to report measurements on a weekly basis in pounds. RecycleMania provides many ways to gain recognition, including RecycleMania trophies, awards, and participant certificates.
In the end, RecycleMania helps all participating colleges and universities make achievements in recycling and waste reduction!
Help Drew University win the RecycleMania Trophy!
Tips to Reduce Waste
- Purchase bulk products & reduce packaging (get the big bag of pretzels instead of the “snack sized” bags)
- Grab your reusable water bottle
- Print double-sided pages
- Proofread your report on the computer screen before printing it out
- Report wasteful practices to [email protected]
- Reduce your printer margins to half an inch versus default 1″ margins. Learn how
Trash 2 Treasure
May 2nd – May 15th
Moving out of your residence hall ? Donate previously loved items to our local charities.
Drop off gently used clothing, bedding, towels in the metal collection bins located outside the following locations:
Hoyt Hall
Riker Hall
the Suites
Tolley-Brown Hall
Welch Hall
Tipple Hall
For a full list of acceptable items, visit:
Sponsored by:
Drew Eco-Reps and the Office of Residence Life and Housing
What is Big Brothers Big Sisters? With the mission to provide children facing adversity with strong, professionally supported one-to-one relationship, Big Brothers and Big Sisters has been providing mentoring services to children for more than fifty years. As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters develops meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers and children in communities across the county. Developed with the vision to allow all children to achieve success, Big Brothers Big Sisters forms positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of children. National research has shown that positive relationships between Littles and their Bigs have a direct and measurable impact on children’s lives.
How Does the Recycling and Trash System Work?
Each residence hall room is equipped with one trash and one recycling container. Each individual is then responsible for emptying these containers of separated trash and recyclables into the larger hall containers. From there the custodial staff empties these larger containers, keeping them in separate bags, and preparing them for pick up from Drew’s recycling and trash hauler.
In the Traditional Suites of McClintock, Hurst, and Foster, the common rooms are equipped with large recycling and trash bins. Additionally, each of the rooms within the suites are equipped with one trash and one recycling bin. Students are responsible for properly disposing of the contents, when full, in the dumpsters located in the back of the buildings.
Offices, Administrative, and Faculty
Administrative offices are equipped with one unlined recycling bin and one lined trash bin for each desk as well as a centralized office recycling and trash.
Facilities and Custodial Staff
After all trash and recyclable materials are placed in the proper containers; the custodial staff takes over. The custodial staff empties all of the containers. Single stream recycling is put into clear bags and trash is put into black bags. The bags are then placed in toters outside the buildings ready for transport to the Campus Recycling Center. Once at the recycling center recycling is dumped out of the bags into out of the container. All trash as well as recycling bags are put into waste. Once full, the large dumpsters are picked up by a waste management company and brought to a transfer station. At the transfer station, material is checked to make sure it is free of contamination. From there, the material goes to the recycling facility to be recycled.
As part of our continuing effort to revise and improve the Drew recycling program, we are interested in what you think. Any ideas or suggestions concerning the recycling program can be addressed by contacting Facilities at ext. 3510.
Did You Know?
- If all the morning newspapers read around the country were recycled, 41,000 trees would be saved daily and 6 million tons of waste would never end up in landfills.
- The top consumer of paper and paperboard per person in pounds for 1995 was the United States with 730 pounds per person. Since then the number has gone up!
- Every day American businesses generate enough paper to circle the earth 20 times!
- Americans throw away 25,000,000 plastic beverage bottles every hour!
- The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle can run a 100-watt light bulb for four hours. It also causes 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution than when a new bottle is made from raw materials.
- Americans discard enough aluminum to rebuild our commercial airline fleet every three months.
By recycling one ton of paper, you save:
- 17 trees
- 6953 gallons of water
- 463 gallons of oil
- 587 lbs of air pollution
- 3.06 cubic yards of landfill space
- 4077 kilowatt hours of energy
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I see the recycling and the trash picked up by the same truck, so why should I separate if it all ends up going to the same place anyway?
A: The same truck picks up both trash and recycling, but it does not go to the same place. Once the truck picks up all of the trash and recycling, it is brought to the Campus Recycling Center, were the bags are sorted and put in to the proper receptacles.
Q: Why does Facilities use clear trash bags?
A: Clear bags allow the Facilities staff to accurately and quickly identify the contents of the bag. This is invaluable in our efforts to keep the recyclable materials separated from the trash.
Q: What happens if general waste accidentally gets mixed in with recyclable material?
A: When trash is mixed with the recyclable materials it is considered contaminated and will not be recycled. This emphasizes the importance of the initial separation in the dormitories and the offices by the Drew Community
Q: Whom do I contact if I need a recycling container or mine has been damaged?
A: If you do not have a recycling container or need a new one because your has been damaged in some way, call x3510. The Service Response Center will be happy to help you out.
Q: Whom do I contact if I have questions, comments, or suggestions about the recycling program?
A: If you have any great ideas about how to improve the recycling program or have questions about the current program, please email [email protected].