Semester on the United Nations
Founded in 1962, the Semester on the United Nations is one of Drew University’s signature academic programs. Each fall semester, a group of 20 students travels twice a week to the United Nations to meet members of the U.N. Secretariat, the Member states’ delegations, special agencies, or nongovernmental organizations represented at the United Nations. Faculty-led lectures and group discussions typically follow these meetings. Interested students can also complete an internship experience in one of the non-governmental groups that work on U.N.-related issues.
Classes begin in late August, end in early December, and are held in New York or on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Applications are due March 10.
Costs and Financial Assistance
Each nycTREC has an associated program fee, which is posted each semester in the Course Catalog. Students receive a grant to cover round-trip transportation to New York City from Madison and program-related events and activities.
All of your Drew University financial assistance, whether merit or need-based, may be applied to all Drew-sponsored semester programs.
Required Courses
PSCI 383: The United Nations System and the International Community
PSCI 383: The United Nations System and the International Community
4 Credits
On-site exposure to the realities of international politics in the United Nations context. An examination of the evolution of the United Nations and the network of international institutions associated with it. An analysis of the role played by the United Nations in the larger international community. Classes are conducted at the Drew University facilities near the U.N. in New York City.
Requires instructor signature for registration.
Prerequisite course: PSCI 104
Corequisite course: PSCI 384
CLA-Off-Campus Experience
PSCI 384: Research Seminar on the United Nation
PSCI 384: Research Seminar on the United Nations
4 Credits
Students conduct research on selected topics related to the United Nations and its role in the larger international system. Assignments include the preparation of a major research paper designed to develop techniques appropriate to the analysis of international affairs. Classes are conducted at the Drew University facilities near the U.N. plaza in New York City.
Prerequisite course: PSCI 104
Corequisite course: PSCI 383
CLA-Writing Intensive