College of Liberal Arts Musical Instruction Registration
Students continuing to take lessons at the same level with their instructor can register for lessons through TreeHouse with their appropriate PIN.
- Students seeking to take lessons on a new instrument must be placed into a section even if they are/have taken lessons on a different instrument.
First Time Lessons:
All students registering for lessons for the first time must be placed into the appropriate section of voice or instrumental lessons before registering for the class, if a student attempts to register without placement, they will receive a “Prerequisite and Test Score” registration error message. “Music Instruction Placement” will require students to contact the coordinator of their area of study before registering for lessons:
Voice Lessons
Voice students shall contact Prof. Trevor Weston [email protected] and will have an audition/interview with the voice faculty to assess your background and current level of vocal ability, in order to match you with the appropriate instructor.
- Voice students who place into a level 100 class need a test code/score of DMPV 1.
- Voice students who place into a level 300 class need a test code/score of DMPV 2.
Instrument Lessons
Instrumental students shall contact Prof. David Iskowitz, at [email protected] (Coordinator of Private Instrumental Studies) for an interview and placement with the appropriate instructor.
- Instrument students who place into a level 100 class need a test score of 1 with the appropriate test code (listed below).
- Instrument students who place into a level 300 class need a test score of 2 with the appropriate test code (listed below).
Brass = DMPB | Guitar = DMPG | Keyboard = DMPK |
Percussion = DMPP | Strings = DMPS | Woodwind = DMPW |
You will not be able to register for lessons if you have not gone through the placement process.