Refund Policy for Withdrawal/Leave of Absence

The University’s refund policies for students withdrawing or taking a leave of absence after the start of the term are described in the paragraphs below. The policy applicable to an individual student is determined by the particular circumstances of the student, including the date of the withdrawal/leave of absence and whether or not the student is a participant in a federal or state assistance program.  Students who are expelled or suspended for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for an institutional refund.

Students who take a leave of absence or withdraw for any reason during the first three weeks of the fall or spring semester (or MAT Summer) are entitled to a prorated refund of certain Institutional Charges (Tuition, General Fee and Room). Board will be prorated throughout the term based on the weeks used). Absence from a registered class does not relieve the student of tuition liability. Prorated charges are based upon the date of actual withdrawal as determined by the University in accordance with the withdrawal/ leave of absence procedure according to the following schedule for the fall and spring semesters (& MAT Summer Term):

Withdrawal Date Percentage Refund
First Week of Semester 90%
Second Week of Semester 70%
Third Week of Semester 50%
Fourth Week or More 0%
Amendment for 2020 Fall  Term  Only:
Third / Fourth Week of Semester 50%
Fifth Week or More 0%

Due to Covid 19 Virtual Learning Platform, the Institutional Refund Policy has been amended for the Fall 2020 semester in order to accommodate virtual and in person class schedules.

Please note that Institutional Grants and Scholarships are also prorated as per the percentages outlined in the policy above.

Tuition and Fees:  Drop/ Add Policy

Students wishing to adjust their Fall or Spring schedules may do so without penalty during the first two weeks of classes. They may add or drop classes only with the approval of their advisers. Any tuition and fees associated with the officially added or dropped course(s) during this 2 week period are adjusted in full. A reduction in the number of courses carried may result in a reduction in the level of financial aid. Please consult with the Office of Financial Assistance if you have questions. Additional tuition will be charged for courses added to a student’s transcript at any time per that semester’s fee schedule.  No financial adjustment will be made for Fall or Spring courses dropped after the first two weeks.

This policy does not apply to students who are dropping ALL of their courses in a semester.  If you are dropping all of your courses in a semester, please refer to the Withdrawal/Leave policies found on this page.

Students Receiving Federal or State Aid
Refund Policy for Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Covered by the Tuition Protection Plan
Summer and January Term Semesters (Intensive Courses)
Refund Policy for Community Education Auditors (CEA Program)