Health Care Resources for LGBT Students
- Callen Lorde Community Health Center (NY)
- Mazzoni Center (Philadelphia, PA)
- Attic Youth Center (Philadelphia, PA)
- Philadelphia Trans Health Conference (Philadelphia, PA)
- Hudson’s FTM Guide
- Sylvia Rivera Law Project (NY, NY) Provides legal services for GLBT Youth
On-Campus Resources
College Health
- Go Ask Alice – Maintained by Columbia University, this award winning, and popular college health site (with over 2.5 million visitors per month from all over the world) provides expert answers to five of the more than 800 health questions readers submit about sex, relationships and health topics. The Dear Abby of sexual health information. Highly recommended. All time favorite site of college students.
- – NeedyMeds is the place to learn about patient assistance programs and other programs designed to help those who can’t afford their medicines. NeedyMeds is not a program. It’s an information source.
- Vaccine Information Statements – Information on required vaccinations in YOUR language.
- CDC Travel Page – This website offers travelers information on their destination country, health and vaccine recommendations for travel, and other useful information.
Sexual Health
- Drew University Procedures for Sexual Assault
- Sexuality Information Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)
- American Sexual Health Association – very helpful information about STIs.
- Sexual Assault – The sexual assault center of Morris county is based at Morristown Medical Center. It assists victims of sexual assault.
- – Excellent resource about birth control in plain English.
- Planned Parenthood Federation of America
- Scarleteen – Sex education for the real world.
-– A private way to contact sex partners if you test positive for an STI.
- Beforeplay– Helpful hints about sexual well being and safe sex.
- Go Ask Alice! – A team of professionals will answer your health related questions.
- The HPV Virus – Causes and Prevention.
General Health
- Morristown Medical Center Find a Doctor – always confirm insurance with office directly.
- American Diabetes Association – Dedicated to the prevention and cure of diabetes, and to the improvement of the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
- The Epilepsy Answer Page – Information about Epilepsy, and what to do in case of a seizure.
- The Sharing Network – Organ and Tissue Donation Services.
- Melanoma Information and Prevention – This site focuses on early detection of Melanoma by self-examination of the skin to detect the disease while it is thin and curable.
- Mayo Clinic Health – Search the extensive library for articles pertaining to most important health issues. Also on this site is a weekly Q&A, with such questions as “Aluminum cookware – Is it safe?”
- Health World Online – A comprehensive site that features articles, discussions, and information about the benefits of staying healthy and fit.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Better known for containing the outbreak of dangerous diseases, the CDC in addition have developed an informative website containing info. on travelers’ health and health issues in the news.
- The American Heart Association – Dedicated to providing you with education and information on fighting heart disease and stroke.
- National Women’s Health Information Center – Information on every aspect of women’s health from a wide variety of sources. Also includes a toll free number to call with questions, and information for providers of health care.
- American Cancer Society
- College Fitness: 5 tips for Staying in Shape – By exercising regularly and eating healthfully, both freshmen and older college students can stay fit.
- The Importance of Sleep – Facts and tips about getting a good night’s sleep.
- Why does Diversity Matter at College Anyway? – 8 ways meeting and working with different people in college can help you in the future.
Alcohol and Substance Use Education
- Alcoholics Anonymous – Includes everything you need to know about this famous 12-step recovery program, including a self-evaluation to help you determine whether it is right for you. Site is available in English, Spanish and French.
- Narcotics Anonymous –Similar to the AA 12-step recovery process, for those needing support with addictions.
- Web of Addictions – A resource for teachers, students and others who needed factual. information about abused drugs. Created to counter the pro-drug message on many Internet sites.
- College Drinking: Changing the Culture – Created by the National Institute on alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
- Alcohol screening and health information– Is the way or amount I drink harming my health?
- Commonly Abused Drugs Charts – Emerging trends on the most commonly abused drugs.
- NJ Quits — Free telephone counseling service for smokers who are ready to quit.
Spring Break Health Tips
If you are going to a party or heading out to a club:
- Designate a driver
- Make sure you have a buddy
- Drink in moderation
- Never leave a drink unattended
- Never drink from a previously opened container
- Take your cell phone and program emergency phone numbers in it
If you choose to be sexually active:
- Please remember to use proper protection, this means using a condom during every sexual encounter
- DO NOT rely on the other person to remember it
- Be extra cautious when combining alcohol & sexual activity
Check below for information about emergency contraception, date rape and “club” drugs, roofies, and victim services. (See Sexual Health or Alcohol & Other Drugs)
Remember, the best Spring Break is one you can come home and talk about. Have fun, be safe.
Disclaimer: The links on this page are intended as a reference and are not intended to replace a visit to your health provider. Drew University Health Service is not responsible for information on websites other than our own. The mention of a particular product or service does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement unless indicated. Drew students should come to the Drew Health Service or see their own health care provider for medical assistance.