
From Journalism to Social Work and Justice

Drew Theological School student Cynthia Puleo T’24 is ready to follow her passion  

October 2022 – Drew Theological School Master of Religion (MAR) student Cynthia Puleo T’24 is a copy editor for various online publications, including Christianity Today and Fast Company.

Puleo, who earned her undergraduate degree in journalism from New York University, aspired to obtain her master’s degree, but family obligations had to be her priority.

But the pandemic shifted Puleo to take action and move forward with her desire to earn a master’s degree and pursue a career in social work and justice. “The pandemic was a good reminder of how little time we have to pursue our passions!”

Her vocational path led her to Drew. “Although I was raised Catholic, I’ve spent years personally studying several different religions, and I have most recently felt drawn to Christianity,” said Puleo. “I decided to return to school to delve into that interest.”

“I chose Drew because I enjoyed the idea of attending a smaller school.”

While pursuing her MAR, Puleo intends to continue her journalism career in the secular and non-secular spaces. “I hope to initially link my work with my education,” she said.

Eventually, Puleo will pursue a career outside of journalism and explore her passions. “I’m seeking a role within social work or in a similar capacity where I can be of service, particularly with regard to matters of social justice and conflict resolution.”


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