
Jocelyn Freeman C’25

As a student of history I am glad that we have a month to celebrate the changes and accomplishments that belong to women of the past! I believe that women who have paved the way before me have allowed me to welcome amazing opportunities in my life. I’m able to seek a college education and maintain a level of equality with my male peers, hold a position of leadership as Vice President of the CLA Student Government, and have a voice in community-wide change. I know that if it weren’t for the brave women pushing boundaries, even as recently as 30 or 40 years ago, I wouldn’t have such a wealth of opportunities. These women, both nationally recognized and relatively unknown, deserve to be remembered and celebrated.

While I think that honoring these women, and all women, with a month to celebrate the rich and fascinating history that belongs to them, I also think that it’s important to celebrate the accomplishments of women all year long. I think that this month can help people find their interest in women’s history and continue to pursue them throughout their time at Drew and even after graduation. Drew’s History Department, in conjunction with the Women’s and Gender Studies Department, have some fascinating classes to help facilitate this learning that I have had the pleasure of enjoying! (Thanks Dr. Calder.)

I’m glad that we can come together as a community in the month of March to celebrate the past and look forward to the future with events and resources around campus. I am excited to see how people choose to partake!


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