
Rutendo Felistas Mahachi T’23

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.”— Maya Angelou

I remember the day I learned about Ida. B. Wells in class, I was dumbfounded, I was in awe. Reading and learning about her and other women made me start appreciating Women’s History Month. As a young woman, a pastor, and someone aspiring to be a social justice advocate, Women’s History Month is one of my best months as it allows me to honor women from the past who went through what they went through just for us to be where we are right now. It gives me the opportunity to learn of the women who are often not talked about but did so many heroic things just for our freedom as women. It also gives me the chance to reflect.

From learning about women from the past and what they did just for women to be recognized, this month not only gives me an opportunity to honor and celebrate those women, but it gives me the chance to look into myself and realize what I and other women need to do to improve the game plan (making sure women are treated equally, recognized, and respected) or to take on what the other women already started.

I will say Women’s History Month is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, it gives us hope.


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