
Drew University Class of 2023 Outcomes: Rachel Papa

Rachel Papa C’22 graduated a semester early and now works in Drew’s Admissions office

May 2023 – The members of the Drew University College of Liberal Arts Class of 2023 are set to graduate and start their careers and continue their educations in an array of disciplines, fields, and subjects.

Rachel Papa C’22 came into Drew as a member of the Class of 2023 but graduated a semester early. She did manage to stay in The Forest, however, joining Drew’s Admissions office as a counselor.

Rachel Papa C’22 | Drew University Admissions Counselor

Majors: Political Science, Environmental Sustainability

Why did you stay at Drew after graduating?

Myriad reasons. The first is that I felt as though my time at Drew was cut short due to COVID, as well as graduating a semester early. COVID sent us home in my first year and once I came back I took advantage of things as much as I could, and I was definitely sad to leave when I graduated a semester early. I was not gone too long as I began working in the Admissions office full-time just two months later. I did everything I could to make the most of my experience while I was a student but I’m glad I get to continue my legacy by working to bring in future Rangers!

Why admissions?

I really enjoyed the work I did working in the Admissions office as a student tour guide and orientation leader. It was so rewarding to give prospective students tours and then see them during August Orientation and know that I helped in their choosing Drew. When the admissions counselor opportunity presented itself, I had to take advantage of it! I am very grateful that I did because I have found it to be a very rewarding and eye-opening experience, and it was thrilling to be a part of the effort that recruited an incredible Class of 2027!

How have your experiences as a student helped prepare you as a Drew staff member?

What most helped me secure this position was, of course, having the experience of working in Admissions as a student. I started as a tour guide my second semester during COVID. I jumped into the role by giving virtual tours and eventually also became an orientation leader. I also worked at the Concert Hall every semester at Drew, beginning as an usher, and working my way up to senior usher, event photographer, and front-of-house. The leadership and organizational skills I gained from the work really helped me build and demonstrate my abilities.

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