
Rudy Cazenave C’25 Lands Internship at Northern Trust

Broadening his experience to realize a career in finance

June 2024 – Rudy Cazenave C’25 will be spending the summer interning at the Capital Markets, Institutional Brokerage department of Northern Trust (NT) in Chicago.

A finance and international relations double major with a minor in economics, Cazenave is gaining practical hands-on experience working with trade operations on risk metrics on the trading floor—a position he calls “very exciting and fast paced!”

The capital markets side of NT’s business is fascinating,” he said.

NT serves as the custodian institution for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, where Cazenave interned last summer supporting the investments team. Continuing his experience at NT was a logical and intentional move to gain more experience in capital markets.

At Drew, Cazenave is the CEO for The Fund, a student-run market portfolio originally financed by Drew alums. “The Fund allows me to get real life asset management experience, being able to speak in depth about this club and its workings has put me far ahead of peers at other academic institutions where an entity like The Fund does not exist,” he said.

“While at The Fund, I am able to learn things like interview preparation tools, personal branding, and more through collaborative workshops with various departments at Drew, like the Center for Career Development.”

In addition to The Fund, Cazenave is an active member of campus groups and organizations that add to his fields of study, including student government and the budget and organizations board. “The student-run budgets and organizations board allows me to get some budget administration experience while also allowing for connection with all of the diverse clubs and interest groups within the Drew community,” he said.

After graduation, Cazenave aspires to continue working in finance, eventually returning to further his education after gaining practical industry experience. “Drew’s liberal arts academics have continued to mold me into a lifelong student/academic, which is a competitive advantage,” he said.

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