
Drew Theological School Holds Advent Lessons & Carols Service

Celebrating the holiday season with the last chapel service of the semester

December 2024 – Drew Theological School celebrated the beginning of the Advent season with a festive Advent Lessons & Carols Chapel Service. The service was also the closing chapel service for the fall semester.

The service, titled “When My World Falls Down,” featured the ceremonious and traditional candle lighting by Theological School students and faculty. The tradition represents the beginning of the holy Advent season, which begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. 

Scripture, encouraging words, and poetry were shared by students and faculty members. Drew’s Seminary Choir shared performances of original music from Professor of Church Music Mark Miller’s “Of the Love of God Begotten,” “Come Now, O God,”  and “I Choose Love, just to name a few.

The service featured traditional Advent candle lighting by faculty and students, with Dean Edwin David Aponte lighting the Christ candle before presiding communion.

Chapel service, held in person in Craig Chapel and online on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 p.m. ET during the fall and spring semesters, is open to the Drew community and beyond.

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