A three part series highlighting the Dreaming Up Pedagogies that Heal project
January 2025 – Several Drew Theological School faculty members and alums were recently welcomed on the popular Beyond the Womanist Classroom podcast to discuss and highlight their Dreaming Up Pedagogies that Heal project.
Through a grant, the project, co-led by Associate Professor of Psychology and Religion Arthur Pressley and former John Fletcher Hurst Professor of Hebrew Bible Kenneth Ngwa, seeks support for a workshop by faculty of African descent to examine dreams, dreaming, and dream world as pedagogical spaces where healing can be taught and learned—where holistic healing is not a byproduct of teaching and learning, or episodes of respite, but a central purpose.
Beyond the Womanist Classroom is a weekly podcast, hosted by womanist biblical scholar Dr. Mitzi Grant, which focuses on topics of womanism, biblical interpretation, and justice. The Dreaming Up Pedagogies that Heal project was featured on three consecutive episodes and welcomed featured eight participant scholars members, including Assistant Professor of New Testament Althea Spencer-Miller and Theological School alums Ericka Dunbar T’20, and Sharon Williams T’19, G’22.
The participants discuss the classroom as a space that embodies their dreams, where they risk embodied dreaming that affirms students’ dreams, and where dreams live and not die.
Click here to listen to the three-part podcast.