To safeguard students so they receive the help they need without fear of penalty or retribution, the “Good Samaritan Clause” has been adopted. This clause may be invoked by the person in need of assistance and by those who provided that person with alcohol. If a student or organization helps an intoxicated student to get assistance from Residence Life staff, Public Safety officers, medical professionals, and/or local or state police, both the intoxicated student and the individual(s) assisting may not be subject to formal University disciplinary action for 1) being intoxicated or 2) having provided alcohol. This policy refers to isolated incidents only and does not excuse or protect those who flagrantly or repeatedly violate the Alcohol Policy.
In the event of an alcohol or drug related emergency or concern, students should contact Campus Security at 973-408-3379.
Student of Concern Form
The Student of Concern form is to be utilized by students, faculty and staff, to inform university officials of your concerns regarding a student. Please provide as much information as possible so that we may reach out most effectively to the student you are concerned about.
In cases of emergency, please call Campus Security at 973-408-3379.