Graduate & Theological Student Groups & Associations

Rights & Responsibilities

Expectations for Theological and Graduate School Associations, Clubs and Caucuses

  1. Must have an advisor that is a full time Drew University faculty or staff member, contact information should be on file in The Path
  2. Must maintain an up-to-date list of members and officers in the Office of Student Activities in The Path
  3. Must have a current constitution on file in The Path
  4. If a group receives funding from the general fee allocation, the group must adhere sound fiscal management
  5. Must receive approval from the Office of Student Activities prior to beginning any fundraising projects
  6. Groups are responsible for guests at events or activities hosted by the student organization.
  7. Groups are responsible for the a management of programs and events in accordance with university policies
  8. Each organization is responsible for maintaining regular communication with the Office of Student Activities. Ideally, prior to each event the leadership of the group should communicate with their Student Activities staff liaison.
  9. Must abide by all rules and policies of Drew University and the laws of the local, state and federal government

Rights of Registered Student Groups and Associations

  1. Recruit Drew University students as members
  2. Use of campus bulletin boards, digital signage and other designated posting areas according to University policies
  3. Access to campus services, leadership programs, the expertise of a faculty or staff adviser, the advice and assistance of the Office of Student Activities staff, and appropriate resources on campus
  4. Access to University provided services such as web space and email addresses
  5. Receive a funding allocation from the general fee of the institution.
  6. The right to request funding from university sources
  7. To be placed on official lists of recognized student organizations
  8. Be eligible for awards or honors presented to student organizations and members
  9. Use of facilities in accordance with University policy
  10. The opportunity to sponsor activities on campus

University Policies & Procedures

All registered student groups and associations are subject to the requirements of the following documents. Any organizations that may violate these documents are subject to disciplinary actions at the discretion of the Office of Student Activities

  1. Policy regarding use of University Facilities and Buildings
  2. Posting Policy
  3. Human Rights Policy
  4. University Purchasing Policies
  5. Catering Policy
  6. Club and Organization Web Policy
  7. Guidelines on Accessibility for Meetings and Events
  8. Procedures for Consumption and Distribution of Alcohol at Student Sponsored Events as per Alcohol Beverage Policy
  9. Hazing Policy
  10. Sexual Harassment Policy
  11. Educational Policies and Regulations
  12. Financial Procedures for Student Organization Accounts
  13. Procedures for the Reservation and Use of Tables on campus