
Daily Food for Christians, from the Rare Book Collection

Religious Text in the Archives by Jim Hetherington – February 5, 2019

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I have here a book of hymns called Daily Food for Christians. I hold it in one hand and ponder how the accessibility of the item flourished day to day thought. Each day correlates to a devotion consisting of a promise from the Bible, a verse of hymns and an additional scriptural passage. Each page contains two days’ worth of verse, and you ought to know this here item is teeny tiny. Like they say, “big shadow, tiny tree.” Much like all types of calendars from the classical to day by day creative fact ones, folks look ahead and project the plan, planting the seed for the future. Here, Daily Food is like a spiritual forecast. I’m sure. Folks who had a copy may have a personal devotion they hold dearly.

The trifecta of promise, a hymn, and scripture is valuable because I do believe in matching different resources, oh so you know, to cross-examine related themes. This book has all the citations for a reader to reread and further explore an aspect, branching away from the initial uncovering of a plenty of good ideas. That book was popular in the nineteenth century for its meditation was used by missionaries, servicemen and other Christians for guidance and inspiration. Given its notes, by nature, every promise referencing the Lord is followed by hymn proclaiming the faith again. The additional scripture (“finalizing” the daily call) concludes free knowledge that we all relate to in the end. Now, like anything really, rereading proves to jog our take on the scripture. It is essential to identify the tone of the reading as separate from the tone of the author. Doing so yields an intellect that considers the underlying meaning of each and every devotion.

Daily Food has the charm of a lottery ticket where you can pick any number and feel good about it. Furthermore, how did each day get allotted scripture? Maybe each holiday was decided upon and then the remaining days were filled in? Structuring that tiny book takes time and brain power; something that is simply not all that understood. With each page turn, I find more and more again instilling a sense of security within a reader. As we know it, there is an inscription on the inside cover reading, “Willie W. C.” with the date June 24th, 1866. Some may choose to believe that due to the age, this collection of devotions is not relatable. Yet it is considered to be a reliant form of self-help by many. Holy literature does not always tell you what to think (or how), but what to think about (it’s a tao aka way). Spanning 192 pages, it’s lengthy yet practical to read anywhere, anytime. Often we do not talk about what makes us tick; thus our secrets grow in number as we hold them close… only understood by each of us. Daily Food is like a recipe for faster faith. The readability of Daily Food for Christians signs point to delving back into the same book a year later. Like a favorite song (just longer), movie you quote, book with handwriting in the margins, or a piece of art; we create habits to hold, strengthening a foundation now for better tomorrows.

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