Each year hundreds of Drew students gain practical, tangible experience in the field with the support of an invaluable collection of funded internships, many made possible by the One And All campaign.

—Bill Cardoni
Investing in Futures
Drew’s internship funds extend across the campus, supporting students in the College of Liberal Arts as well as in the Theological School and the Caspersen School.
The One And All campaign, which to date has raised more than $78 million, has bolstered those funds significantly. Donations from alumni and friends have enhanced existing funds, such as the Joseph Patenaude Theatre Internship , and created new ones, such as the Margaret E.L. “Peggi” Howard Internship Fund for Leadership and Service and the College Class of 1960 Internship.
Many of the funds are tailored to help students in particular fields—science or theatre, health care policy or environmental studies, government or journalism, to name a few. Others support students involved in civic engagement, academic research or social justice. The Margaret and Marshall Bartlett Research Fellowship Fund provides funding to Caspersen students for research into historical topics “designed to promote world peace and to prevent terrorism and genocide.” The Thomas D. Sayles, Jr. Internship Award is reserved for students who might otherwise be unable to accept an unpaid internship.
The internship funds can be crucial, says John Warner, an emeritus professor of English in whose honor the John M. Warner Writing Internship was created, “since many internships aren’t paid jobs, which makes it difficult for students to support themselves while interning.”
The internships enable students to explore potential jobs and attain skills far beyond those learned in the classroom. George Hayward, who recently helped establish the College Class of 1960 Internship, notes that interning “can broaden your horizons and may even lead to a whole new career.” His own Drew internship at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute led to two summer jobs there that he prizes to this day. Though Hayward later became a university admissions director and fundraiser, the natural sciences remained a lifelong passion.
Through internships, says Margaret “Peggi” Howard, Drew’s former vice president of administration and university relations and the namesake of a new internship fund for leadership and service, “students learn about the world of work—and about the world itself.”
On the following pages we profile seven Drew students and graduates whose internships gave them invaluable on-the-job training.
John Dabrowski C’12

—Bill Cardoni
John Dabrowski C’12 discovered his passion for music at Drew, where he joined WMNJ, the University’s student-run radio station. Then a series of three internships opened a vista for him onto the music business and the role he might play in it. Those internships, he says, allowed him “to take music as a passion point and transition to a career.”
As a recipient of two Thomas D. Sayles, Jr. Internship Awards and a John M. Warner Writing Internship, Dabrowski interned with three music powerhouses: Sony Music, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group. The experience helped him discover a fascination for developing and promoting new musical talent. These days Dabrowski works as a marketing man- ager at Sony’s ’stache media, where he interned as a sophomore.
Genevieve Monty C’15

—courtesy Genevieve Monty C’15
Monty always wanted to work in advertising, so when she learned about an internship in Fox TV’s marketing department from Drew’s career center, she applied immediately. “The best way to build your résumé is to have names on it that people can recognize,” Monty says.
A recipient of the McEvoy Internship for students interested in media, publishing and communications, Monty understood that experience in marketing would be an asset when interviewing for jobs in advertising. Because the internship was unpaid, the McEvoy funds helped defray the cost of commuting, which involved a train into Manhattan and the subway to Rockefeller Center. “I was able to use my own money for food and school supplies,” she says, “instead of putting it toward the commute.”