
Elaina Cuffy C’20, G’22 On Life At, After Drew University

“The people and the environment at Drew have played a big part in my journey into adulthood. Drew is the perfect school for students looking to be surrounded by faculty and friends who have their best interest at heart.”

May 2022 – Elaina Cuffy C’20, G’22 came to Drew University with a vague interest in business, but no specific focus.

In four years since arriving in The Forest, she has graduated a year early, spent a summer in Barcelona and a semester on Wall Street, learned a second language, and earned a masters degree.

Cuffy, a double major in business and Spanish, recently graduated from the Caspersen School of Graduate Studies with a Master of Science in Finance (MFin), and already has a job as an investment research analyst with Simon Quick Advisors.

We talked with Cuffy about her experience at Drew:

What defined your Drew experience?

“I met one of my closest friends during the first day of classes freshman year in DSEM. We did the Wall Street Semester together, and we continue to bond over our love of finance. I also met two of my dearest friends during my study abroad trip to Spain.

The people and the environment at Drew have played a big part in my journey into adulthood. Drew is the perfect school for students looking to be surrounded by faculty and friends who have their best interest at heart. The connections I have made at Drew are sure to last a lifetime!”

Why the MFin degree?

“Initially it was my intention to work for a few years and then pursue my masters. However, I graduated in the height of the pandemic when entering the job market was very difficult. I had numerous discussions with Marc Tomljanovich [former executive director of business programs and professor in economics and business at Drew; now dean of The Lombardo College of Business at Millersville University], who encouraged me to go back to Drew to complete my masters. This was despite his having left the faculty. He felt that he couldn’t have left the program in better hands than Steven Firestone’s [assistant teaching professor of finance and director of the MFin program]. At this juncture, I wholeheartedly agree.”

What was your MFin experience like?

“Last year I met Professor Firestone before beginning the Master in Finance program. Prior to becoming a professor at Drew, he gained a wealth of experience in the industry and he freely shares his experiences with his students. His mentorship and guidance have been instrumental in my being where I am today. He has pushed me academically, helped me to recognize how my career fits with my personal goals, and to identify my areas of interest in finance. Professor Firestone took the time to prepare me for interviews and the world of finance outside of the classroom, while helping me to remain focused during the most challenging times.”

How did you land your job?

“I actively networked within the Drew alum community where I heard wonderful things from a former Simon Quick intern. I decided to apply and I was hired to start next month!”

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