Harrison Neal C’23 is joining Deutsche Bank as a corporate finance analyst
May 2023 – The members of the Drew University College of Liberal Arts Class of 2023 are set to graduate and start their careers and continue their educations in an array of disciplines, fields, and subjects.
We’ve talked with many C’23 students to see where they’re headed.

Harrison Neal C’23 | Deutsche Bank Corporate Finance Analyst
Majors: Computer Science (BS) and Business
How did Drew prepare you for your next steps?
Drew provided me with a comforting educational environment that propelled me to excel in my academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities. Through finding success in such areas and networking as much as I could, it was possible for me as an international student to develop a competitive resume and search for summer roles in my junior year, which ended up leading to a full-time position at Deutsche Bank. It was the relentless support of faculty and the special, individualized teaching outside of the classroom that gave me the confidence to want to succeed. Because I felt supported along my journey, I felt comfortable enough to really push to see my maximum potential and not fear failure.
What did you take from your experiences at Drew outside of the classroom?
Reigniting The Fund—the student-run financial portfolio at Drew—was by far the single most rewarding experience of my time here. I worked tirelessly with [Associate Teaching Professor of Finance, Associate Chair of Business] Steve Firestone to get the portfolio up and running, and it was full throttle for the group once again.
Having democratically selected five new sector directors, a CFO, COO, CMO, and myself as CEO, we pushed The Fund to a position it has never held on campus in the past. With an average attendance rate of 35 students each week—and a total of roughly 70 total student attendees throughout the semester—The Fund has quickly transitioned into one of the more popular organizations at Drew. It has gained so much attention over the last year, with new socials driving the interest in our club, that The Fund is also offering an accompanying portfolio management class that has been inserted as a requirement of Drew’s finance major. The club essentially offers to train students to have transferable skills that are directly related to entering a professional finance or business career. We have found major success in this regard having sent many of our dedicated students to strong summer internship positions within the business and finance realm.