A discernment journey led Brinna Kolitz T’20 on a path to chaplaincy
March 2024 – When Brinna Kolitz T’20 was a Master of Divinity (MDiv) student at Drew Theological School, she felt drawn to ministry, but did not fully understand what that meant for her.
Koritz, who calls her journey a “winding road,” arrived at the Theological School with the intention of pursuing parish ministry. “I quickly realized I was being pulled into another direction, chaplaincy,” she said. “I credit several of my Theological School faculty mentors in helping my discernment journey in finding my vocational clarity.”
Kolitz entered the chaplaincy track of the MDiv program, which “provided intentional space for vocational discernment, training, and specific ‘toolbox’ development,” she said. “Having a track geared towards the practical use of theological groundings and interfaith work, while in classes alongside those doing work in both parish and theoretical/academic contexts has helped shape and guide me to meet my patients and families where they are and provide the best support for what they need.”
Today, Kolitz is Hospice Chaplain, Spiritual Care Coordinator, and Bereavement Coordinator at Affinity Care of New Jersey. She provides spiritual and emotional support to hospice patients and their families and loved ones, as well as the hospice team. She also coordinates and provides bereavement support for the families after their loved one passes.
Her journey started with a visit to Drew during an Open Doors event.
“I was drawn to Drew Theological School for my theological education because of their strong roots in theologically sound social action and advocacy among faculty, current students at the time, and alums,” said Kolitz. “That pull to Drew was confirmed during an Open Doors visit, the semester before I began my time at Drew, where faculty and students were invested in creating intentional space to listen to who I was and where I was coming from in my ministerial and vocational goals.”