Timothy Carter


[email protected]


Tim earned his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Rochester. He joined the Department in August 2016 where he teaches courses on international relations, environmental security, and US foreign policy. Prior to Drew University, Tim taught at Villanova University and Wayne State University.

Research Interests

Tim’s research focuses on explaining the violence in contemporary insurgent wars. His research is driven by questions concerning the intersection of violence and physical geography, notably weather and climate. His past research examined how variability in inclement weather affects the distribution of conflict violence in civil wars, and his current research projects examine how climate change affects the dynamics of counterinsurgent military operations.

Selected Publications

“Weather, Terrain and Warfare: Coalition Fatalities in Afghanistan,” Conflict Management and Peace Science 30:3 (2013): 220-239.

“The Timing of Conflict Violence: Hydraulic Behavior in the Ugandan Civil War,” Conflict Management and Peace Science 32:4 (2015): 370-394.

Chelsea Ebin


[email protected]


Chelsea Ebin received her PhD from the New School for Social Research. Prior to coming to Drew University, she taught at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, and at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. She is a co-founder of the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism and a fellow at the Far-Right Analysis Network. Her research focuses on the development of right-wing movements in the United States, with a particular interest in the Christian Right. She teaches a range of courses that span the American politics and political theory sub-fields and is an affiliate faculty member of the Gender and Women’s Studies Department. More information about Chelsea’s research and teaching is available on her personal website.

Research Interests

Chelsea’s research aims to understand the proactive and forward-looking agendas of right-wing movements to identify how these movements pose a threat to liberal democratic institutions and undermine the provision of rights to historically underrepresented and oppressed groups. Her research and teaching are informed by a commitment to challenging supremacism, and her courses encourage students to examine how structural inequalities in political institutions, law, and society are produced, maintained, and challenged. She writes about the Christian Right, conservative thought, the construction of American right-wing ideologies, right-wing movement building and coalitions, and white and male supremacism.

Selected Scholarly Publications

The Radical Mind: The Origins of Right-Wing Catholic and Protestant Coalition. University Press of Kansas (forthcoming in 2024).

“The Prefigurative Construction of Christian Right Politics,” in American Examples: New Conversations about Religion, Vol. 3. Eds. Michael J. Altman, Erik Kline, Dana Lloyd, and Cody Musselman. University of Alabama Press (forthcoming Jan. 2024).

Male Supremacism in the United States: From Patriarchal Traditionalism to Misogynist Incels and the Alt-Right, edited volume. Eds. Alex DiBranco, Emily Carian, and Chelsea Ebin. New York: Routledge (April 2022).

“Threats to Women/Women as Threats: Male Supremacy and the Anti-Statist Right,” special issue on The Body Politic: Women’s Bodies and Political Conflict. Laws. (May 2021).

“Paul Weyrich: The Religious Roots of New Right Radical.” American Catholic Studies. (Fall 2020).

Selected Public Scholarship

“The Roots of American Political Rage,” The Presbyterian Outlook, (Apr. 2022).

“In 2021, US Democracy Survived an Assault. But Its Threats Grew,” Rantt Media, (January 3, 2022).

“Texas Legislators Don’t Just Want to Ban Abortion,” Fair Observer, (Nov. 5, 2021).

“Magical Thinking, Machiavellian Politics and the Future of the Christian Right,” Public Seminar, (June 30th, 2021).

Jason Jordan


[email protected]



After earning his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Jason taught at Florida State University in the departments of Political Science and Public Health.  He joined the faculty of Drew in 2011 where he teaches courses on European politics, political economy, and research methods.

Research Interests

Broadly, Jason’s research focuses on the politics of the mature welfare states of Europe and the United States.  His early work explored why levels of support for the welfare state vary across countries, pointing to a number of factors including the influence of religion and so called “policy feedback effects.”  More recently, his research examines the consequences of significant cross-national differences in the levels of political knowledge for public opinion and voting.

Selected Publications

Jordan, Jason (2023) Political Awareness and the Structure of Support for the Welfare State in A research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare.  Eds. Femke Roomsa & Tijs Laenen. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 105-122.Jordan, Jason (In-Press) The Strategic Ambiguity of the Radical Right A Study of the Danish People’s Party.  Party Politics.

Jordan, Jason (2018) Political Awareness and Support for Redistribution. European Political Science Review 10 (1): 119-137.

Jordan, Jason (2016) Religion and Inequality: The Lasting Impact of Religious Traditions and Institutions on Welfare State Development.  European Political Science Review 8 (1): 25-48.

Jinee Lokaneeta


[email protected]


Jinee Lokaneeta received her PhD from the University of Southern California (USC). Prior to USC, she taught Political Science at Kirori Mal College, Delhi University, India. Jinee completed her Bachelors, Masters and Mphil in Political Science at Delhi University. She was a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi in 2014 and the Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California, Berkeley in fall 2009. She was the Book Review Editor of Law and Society Review from 2013-2016. She is the former President of Consortium of Undergraduate Law and Justice Programs. She is currently on the Editorial Board of American Political Science Review & Politics and Gender. Personal Website

Research Interests

Her areas of interest include Law and Violence, Political Theory (Postcolonial, Feminist and Marxist theory), Transnational Law, Jurisprudence, and Cultural Studies. She joined Drew University in 2006. She is the author of  The Truth Machines: Policing, Violence, and Scientific Interrogations in India (University of Michigan Press, Orient Blackswan 2020).  She has previously authored Transnational Torture: Law, Violence, and State Power in the United States and India (New York University Press, 2011, Orient Blackswan 2012) and the co-editor with Nivedita Menon and Sadhna Arya of Feminist Politics: Struggles and Issues (in Hindi). Delhi: Hindi Medium Directorate, 2001.

Selected Publications  

“Rule of Law, Violence and Exception: Deciphering the Indian State in the Thangjam Manorama Inquiry Report.” Law, Culture and the Humanities, 2017. DOI 10.1177/1743872118761349

‘Sovereignty, Violence and Resistance in North East India:  Mapping Political Theory Today: A commentary on “Bare Sovereignty: Homo Sacer and the Insistence of Law”’ by Peter Fitzpatrick, Theory & Event, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2001), Theory & Event, Vol. 20, No. 1, January, pp. 76-86, 2017.

“Torture and Detention in India: Challenges to Prevention” (with Amar Jesani as second author). Does Torture Prevention Work? 501-548. Edited by Richard Carver and Lisa Handley, (funded by Association for the Prevention of Torture, Geneva) Liverpool University Press, 2016.

“Debating the Indian Supreme Court: Equality, Liberty, and the Rule of Law,” 2015. Law, Culture and Humanities. DOI:10.1177/1743872115596158

“Violence.” Oxford Handbook on Feminist Theory. Edited by Lisa Disch and Mary Hawkesworth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199328581.013.50

Patrick McGuinn


[email protected]
Personal Website


Patrick J. McGuinn is Professor of Political Science and Education at Drew University and a Senior Research Specialist at the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE). He holds a Ph.D. in Government and a M.Ed. in Education Policy from the University of Virginia and has held fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the Rockefeller Institute for Government, the Taubman Center for Public Policy at Brown University, and the Miller Center for Public Affairs. Patrick’s first book, No Child Left Behind and the Transformation of Federal Education Policy, 1965-2005, (Kansas, 2006) was honored as a Choice outstanding academic title. He is also the co-editor of The Convergence of K-12 and Higher Education: Policies and Programs in a Changing Era (Harvard Education Press, 2016) and Education Governance for the 21st Century: Overcoming the Structural Barriers to School Reform (Brookings Institution Press, 2013). Patrick has published many academic articles and book chapters and has produced policy reports for the Brookings Institution, the American Enterprise Institute, the Center for American Progress, the New America Foundation, and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute. He is a regular commentator on education policy and politics in media outlets and was recognized as one of the nation’s top Edu-Scholars by Education Week for the past ten years.


Patrick’s research interests are in national politics and institutions, education and social welfare policy, American political development, federalism, and the policymaking process.


The Convergence of K-12 and Higher Education: Policies and Programs in a Changing Era 

(Harvard Education Press, October 2016)

Education Governance for the Twenty-First Century: Overcoming the Structural Barriers to School Reform (Brookings Institution Press, 2013).

No Child Left Behind and the Transformation of Federal Education Policy, 1965-2005 (University Press of Kansas , June 2006)

Sangay Mishra, Chair


[email protected]


Sangay Mishra specializes in immigrant political incorporation, transnationalism, and racial and ethnic politics. His work engages with political participation of South Asian immigrants in the United States as well as countries of origin with a particular focus on immigrants from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. He has also been analyzing the experiences of Muslim American communities with law enforcement agencies. Before joining Drew University in 2013, he was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Lehigh University, PA. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He served as the co-chair of Asian and Pacific American Caucus of the American Political Science Association from 2014-2016.

His book, titled Desis Divided: The Political Lives of South Asian Americans was published by the University of Minnesota Press in 2016 and Sage India in 2017. The book was awarded the best book on Asian America (2017) by the American Sociological Association’s section on Asia and Asian America.

Focusing on Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi American communities, Desis Divided analyzes features such as class, religion, nation of origin, language, caste, gender, and sexuality in mobilization and shows how these internal characteristics lead to multiple paths of political inclusion, defying a unified group experience.

Read “An Indian immigrant is murdered in Kansas. It’s part of a spike in hate crimes against South Asians.” Washington Post/Monkey Cage, March 7, 2017.

Watch podcast on New Books Network; interview on KPFA by Sonali Kolhatkar; Read Excerpt and Review on the Aerogram.

He teaches courses in American Politics and Political Theory including Introduction to Political TheoryRace and PoliticsPolitics of ImmigrationCultural Diversity and the LawMuslims and the West; and Latino Politics.


“Combatting Suspicion, Creating Trust: Interface of Muslim Communities and Law Enforcement in the Post-9/11 United States.” (Co-authored with Jinee Lokaneeta),Polity.

Desis Divided: The Political Lives of South Asian Americans (2016), University of Minnesota Press.

“Race, Religion, and Political Mobilization: South Asians in the Post-9/11 U.S.” 2013. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 13 (2).

Philip A. Mundo


[email protected]


After earning a PhD in political science at the University of California – Berkeley and spending several years working at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., Phil Mundo joined the Drew faculty in 1986. He teaches courses on American Politics and Public policy and has directed Drew’s Washington Semester Program and the London Semester Program.


American government, public policy, environmental policy and energy policy.


“Business Influence in State-Level Environmental Policy” in M. Kraft and S. Kamieniecki (ed.) Business and Environmental Policy: Corporate Interests in the American Political System (MIT Press, 2007) [with B. Rabe].

National Politics in a Global Economy: The Domestic Sources of U.S. Trade Policy (Georgetown University Press, 1999).

Interest Groups: Cases and Characteristics (Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1992).

Phoebe Tang

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations

Mengxiao (Phoebe) Tang

[email protected]




Phoebe Tang received her Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California in 2018. Before coming to the U.S., she earned her B.A. and M.Phil. in Beijing and Hong Kong, respectively. Phoebe joined the Department in 2019 and teaches courses in comparative politics, Chinese politics, East Asian politics, Authoritarian Politics, and public health.

Research interest

Her research interests broadly concern state-society relations and political participation in authoritarian states, global and comparative health policies.


“Governance in Crises: Ideologies, Political Systems, and Pandemic Responsiveness.” Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 2023, 20(1), pp. 94-113. [Co-authored with Drew student Maxwell Patterson]

““Project Battle” or “Policy War”?: Protest, Advocacy, and the Outcomes of Environmental Contention in China.” The Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2018, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 3-40.

“Labor Resistance in China: Typologies and Their Implications.” Asian Survey, 2013, 53 (3): 559-583. [Co-authored with Feng Chen]

Carlos L. Yordán


[email protected]


Carlos earned his PhD in International Relations at the London School of Economics. At American University, he completed a MA in International Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies and a BA in International Studies. He joined the Department in August 2005. Prior to Drew University, Carlos taught at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Hamilton College. He  also was a Visiting Scholar at Cornell University’s Peace Studies Program and a Visiting Fellow at Rutgers-Newark’s Division of Global Affairs.


Carlos is interested in three research areas. First, he examines the legal and political ramifications of humanitarian interventions and post-war peace-building efforts. Second, Carlos is interested in contemporary debates on U.S. foreign policy. Third, he is researching the emergence and the evolution of post-9/11 global counter-terrorism strategies. He is especially intrigued by terrorist organizations’ financing efforts and how global governance networks have encouraged states, especially in the Arab world, to adopt new counter-terrorism financing laws and regulations.


“Towards Deliberative Peace: A Habermasian Critique of Contemporary Peace Operations,” Journal of International Relations and Development, 12.1 (2009): 58-89.

“Microfinancing Terrorism: A Study in al Qaeda Financing Strategy” in M. Cox (ed.) State of Corruption, State of Chaos: The Terror of Political Malfeasance (Lexington Books, 2008) with T. Koker, 167-180.

“Why Did the U.N. Security Council Approve the Anglo-American Project to Transform Postwar Iraq?: The Evolution of International Law in the Shadow of the American Hegemon,” Journal of International Law and International Relations, 3.1 (2007): 65-94.

“America’s Quest for Global Hegemony: Offensive Realism, the Bush Doctrine and the 2003 Iraq War,” Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 53.2 (2006): 125-157.