Application Timeline
This timeline outlines the medical school application process, but the procedures are similar for most health professions and start in the Fall prior to your application being submitted in early Summer. You must consult with the appropriate central service and your pre-health advisor about the deadlines and important dates for your specific health professional track. The application process for many health professions, especially medicine, is very competitive and time-consuming. As a result, it is common for Drew students to take 1-2 gap years to improve their candidacy before entering their desired health professions program.
Recommended Timeline
October-November: Begin drafting your personal statement, update your resume, and develop a list of who you will request letters of recommendation from.
December-February: Register to take the MCAT in April, May, June, or July. We do not recommend August testing, as this will delay processing of your application.
February: Make sure you have returned the required documents to the Drew University Health Professions Committee (autobiographical packet, resume, transcripts, draft of personal statement, waiver, and academic integrity form).
February: Request letters of recommendation using our Letter of Recommendation Request Form. It is a good idea to provide your recommenders with your resume and a draft of your personal statement.
February-April: Interview with each of the members of the Drew University Health Professions Committee. We will send you an email on how to schedule these interviews and with whom.
April-July: Take/Retake the MCAT.
May: Begin filling out your primary applications.
June: Submit your primary applications as soon as the online portals open. Most medical schools have rolling admissions, so the earlier the better!
June: Notify the Committee that you have submitted your applications by providing pdf copies as well as all required identification numbers and letter request forms.
July-August: Receive secondary applications from individual medical schools. Complete and return these as soon as possible.
September-April: Begin interviewing at medical school and receive offers of admission!
September-May: Continue improving your candidacy. Even after you have filed your primary and secondary application, you should continue to update admissions committees with new achievements, such as improved GPA or MCAT scores, new research and clinical experience, awards, and honors.”
Central Application Services
Most health professional schools utilize a centralized application service. Once you are ready to apply, create an account with the appropriate agency.
*Some individual health professional schools do not participate in a central service. You must contact and apply to each of these schools directly.