
About the Sequence

Sequence #2 is designed for students who plan on applying to medical school or other health professional school during or after their fourth year at Drew. (For those applying to medical or dental school, this would entail taking a gap year between graduating from Drew and entering medical/dental school).

Year 1


  • BIOL 150: Ecology and Evolution or NEUR 101: Introduction to Neuroscience
  • PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology or SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology 
  • DSEM: Drew Seminar 


  • BIOL 160: Diversity of Life
  • PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology or SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology or STAT 207: Introductory Statistics

Year 2


  • CHEM 150: Principles of Chemistry I or CHEM 151
  • MATH 150: Calculus I (if taking PHYS 150) 
  • PHIL/REL 305: Bio-Medical Ethics (recommended)
  • PHYS 111: Intro to Physics I or PHYS 150: University Physics I


  • CHEM 160: Principles of Chemistry II or CHEM 161
  • MATH 151: Calculus II (if taking PHYS 160)
  • PHYS 112: Intro to Physics II or PHYS 160: University Physics II
  • PSYC 101 or SOC 101 or STAT 207


CHEM 150/151 and CHEM 160/161 can be interchanged with BIOL 150/NEUR 101 and BIOL 160 as an alternative for the first and second year.

Year 3


  • BIOL 250: Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • CHEM 250: Organic Chemistry I
  • Second English Requirement
  • PSYC 101 or SOC 101 or STAT 207


  • BIOL 252: Microbiology (recommended)
  • CHEM 350: Organic Chemistry II

Year 4


  • BIOL 256: Anatomy & Physiology I (recommended)
  • CHEM 360: Foundations in Biochemistry
  • Other higher level coursework and/or research experience


  • BIOL 258: Anatomy & Physiology II (recommended)
  • Other higher level coursework and/or research experience