
Putting Theory Into Practice

Drew offers numerous on-campus opportunities for economics majors to advance classroom learning.

Economics Honor Society: Omicron Delta Epsilon

Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world’s largest academic honor societies for both undergraduate and graduate students. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics, and the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty within Drew University’s Economics and Business programs.

Currently, Omicron Delta Epsilon has 681 chapters located in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Egypt, France, Kazakhstan, and United Arab Emirates. With such a broad, international base, chapter activities vary widely, ranging from invited speakers, group discussions, dinners, meetings, etc., to special projects such as review sessions and tutoring for students in economics. Omicron Delta Epsilon plays a prominent role in the annual Honors Day celebrations at many colleges and universities.

The Benefits of Joining ODE

  • International recognition of scholastic achievement in economics
  • One-year subscription to The American Economist
  • Publication opportunity in The American Economist
  • Eligibility to compete for the Frank Taussig and Irving Fischer Awards (both are cash prizes and publications of essays)

For more information on ODE be sure to check out their website

For more information on the Drew University Chapter of ODE, please contact Dr. Miao Chi ([email protected]).

Bear Den

The faculty members of the Drew Economics and Business department and the Business Studies Committee, and the students of the Drew Economics and Business Society (DEBS) sponsor, organize, direct and participate in an end-of-semester cocurricular program called “Bear Den”. Loosely modeled after the popular television program of the same name, students from a variety of different courses in the economics and business majors apply their classroom learning and skills to develop proposals and plans for the organization and management of new entrepreneurial ventures and/or to analyze the operation of markets and business in a wide range of fields. Students from our Management, Social Entrepreneurship, Intermediate Microeconomics, International Business, Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, Corporate Finance and Wall Street and other courses produce and display posters and make group presentations on markets, financial practices, and organizational structures and strategies for conducting business in different sectors and in different countries around the world. Many Drew alumni and local business leaders participate as panel members, charged with judging the efficacy of the business proposals and plans. Bear Den provides our students with opportunities to use the theory and knowledge acquired in classroom settings in creative ways and to develop their presentation skills before their peers, faculty mentors, alumni, and professionals working in business, finance, government, and non-profit organizations.

For more information on Bear Den, please contact Dr. Miao Chi ([email protected])

Honors Thesis

As an undergraduate, you may gain the wonderful experience of researching, writing, and successfully defending a Honors thesis. We have provided a brief FAQ on writing a Honors Thesis as a Business or Economics Major.

FAQ’s to Writing a Business/Economics Thesis

What are the requirements to write a thesis?

Baldwin Honors Students and Students with at least a 3.4 GPA overall (3.5 GPA in major) will have the opportunity to write a thesis and graduate with honors in Business or Economics.  

How long does it take to Write a Thesis?

You will need at least a year to complete and defend your thesis.  However, it is best to start EARLY!!

How early is TOO Early?

It is never too early to start thinking about your thesis.  During your first two years, you can

meet with the Economics and Business Faculty and have a conversation with them about their personal research.  They are very nice.

You will be able to get close with the faculty and see which professors are interested in what topics. It will make finding a thesis advisor much easier during your junior year.

When should you semi-officially start working on your thesis?

We recommend that you start the semester before you want to write officially start writing your thesis.  This means that it will most likely be during the spring semester of your junior year.

During the end of the spring semester, the Business and Economics Department will hold information sessions on writing a Thesis. You will NEED to attend during your junior year to write your thesis BUT it is best to also attend during your sophomore year so you know what you will face the Following year.  Before the end of your junior year, you should have asked and received confirmation that they will be your Thesis Advisor.

When should I start researching and writing my Thesis?

You will need to start researching, writing, and gathering data during the summer before your senior year.  In the Business and Economics Department, you will need to give a presentation to the Business and Economics Faculty and other students on your summer research.  The professors will give you valuable advice to think about as you write your thesis.

What are some possible Thesis Topics?

We have provided successful written and defended thesis from the last two years.

Where Can I Get More Information about the Honors Thesis?

For more information about the process of writing a Honors Thesis, Please visit https://www.drew.edu/specialized-honors/ .

Drew Economics and Business Society

The mission of DEBS is to promote academic discussion of economics and business and to create and strengthen relationships between members and the economics and business community.

Past DEBS events include:

  • Speed Networking: Students get another opportunity to network one-on-one with executives from Madison’s Chief Executives Council for the Brain Trust. Get instant feedback on your interview skills by having 8-10 minutes one-on-one with each executive and alum
  • Pizza and Business: An evening of interactive-small group discussion over pizza about business featuring various guest speakers, such as:
    • Carlos Abad, founder of Launch NJ
    • David Duncan, VP of Mini Cooper to talk cars, marketing and international business
  • Around the Business World in 90 Minutes: One of the largest events with over 100 students and guests from Madison’s Chief Executive Council for the Madison Brain Trust. One-on-one networking with business executives from Corporate Finance, Engineering, Science, and Mechanical Systems, International Business, Local Government, Land Preservation, and Criminal Justice, Marketing, Advertising, Big Data, Not for profit, Sales, Banking, Insurance backgrounds.

Follow DEBS on social media: LinkedIn, The Path, Instagram and Twitter!

For all inquires, please e-mail us at [email protected] or Dr. Yahya M. Madra (Faculty Advisor) at [email protected]!

The Fund

The Fund is a student-run investment portfolio financed by Drew Alumni that attempts to bridge the gap between Madison Ave and Wall Street. We pride ourselves on the diverse experiences and skillsets of our analysts and alumni that contribute to our ability to generate returns on real investments. We encourage anyone interested in finance to join this tight-knit community of passionate student-professionals in navigating financial markets.

For more information about the club and stock portfolio please view our website  thefund.drew.edu or email us at [email protected].