
Drew’s chemistry majors share a love of science and apply their passion to many different areas: from biochemistry and medicines to the environment and synthesizing new materials. They use Drew’s state-of-the-art labs to study chemistry, and all students conduct research mentored by a faculty member or RISE Fellow. With our curriculum approved by the American Chemical Society, Drew’s graduates have great success in research, medicine, teaching and industry.

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Research Opportunites

We are devoted to helping students become complete scientists. Our goal is to graduate accomplished researchers, but also develop students’ interpersonal, leadership, writing and presentation skills, all highly sought in chemistry.

Drew chemistry majors leave knowing how to handle instrumentation they’ll use the first day on the job, such as our time-of-flight mass spectrometer, and our inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer. (And you’re not fighting a bunch of grad students to get time on the machines.)

The Charles A. Dana Research Institute for Scientists Emeriti (RISE) offers you unique opportunities to engage in undergraduate research under the supervision of retired industrial scientists. Experiential learning at its finest, RISE projects cover topic areas, including drug discovery, industrial microbiology, mathematics and more.