Learning Greek
Learn Ancient Greek: Textbooks at Textkit.com
Online Greek Texts & Learning Aids
Ancient Greek Tutorials by Mastronarde
Dictionaries – Lexica
A Greek-English Lexicon by Liddell & Scott, 9th ed. rev’d by Jones (Oxford, 1940)
An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon by Liddell & Scott
A Homeric Dictionary by Autenreith (1873)
English-Greek Dictionary: A Vocabulary of the Attic Language by Woodhouse (1910)
Grammars – Reference Books
A Greek Grammar for Colleges by Smyth (1920: older edition, note)
Syntax of Classical Greek by Gildersleeve (1900)
Overview of Greek Syntax by Rydberg-Cox
Perseus Texts under PhiloLogic (a new presentation)
Excellent Translations of Greek Literature by Ian Johnston (free)
Timeline of Ancient Greek & Latin Authors (from Loeb Classical Library)
Sophocles – Philoktetes
Philoctetes with text and commentary by Sir Richard Jebb (2nd ed., 1898): free online
English Translation of Philoctetes by Ian Johnston: free online