
Annual Public Lecture Series

  • The Janet T. Siler International Affairs Forum
  • The Ewing Forum on American Politics and Policy
  • The Ewing Forum on Law, Justice and Society


At the end of the fall semester, the department also holds a “Bake-Off” where our majors and minors vote on the best desserts baked by the department’s faculty and staff.

Election Night Watch

Every four years, the department, in conjunction with different student organizations in campus, sponsors several events to analyze different aspects of the U.S. presidential elections. Our elections-related events culminate with an “Election Night Watch” party that brings the entire campus community together to watch the results of the election. Our first “Election Night Watch” was held in 1960 and this is one of our signature events.

Pi Sigma Alpha Induction

Every spring semester, the department holds an induction ceremony for the new members of Drew University’s Zeta Rho chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science society. Students are selected on the basis of their overall academic performance as well as their performance in the major.

Year-End Party

Our spring semester is capped with our “Year-End Party,” where we celebrate the end of the academic year, announce the winners of our academic awards and congratulate our graduating majors and minors.