The Political Science and International Relations Department engages students in the study of how people govern themselves—from the smallest communities to the international system. In the town meeting, the halls of Congress or the United Nations, the great political questions are the same—how to reconcile individual aspirations and community needs, freedom and equality, authority and justice, participation, and power.
Our students participate in a wide range of unique immersive experiences designed to give students the opportunity to make connections beyond the classroom and engage in independent research. Students interested in international diplomacy and development can participate in our Semester in the United Nations, meeting members of the U.N. Secretariat, the Member states’ delegations, special agencies, or nongovernmental organizations. Students might also spend a Semester in Washington, D.C. gaining experience in the process of law making and lobbying through direct access to professionals in the field. Students might take the opportunity to explore how today’s nonprofits and social enterprises inspire change in New York City and across the world in the Social Impact Semester. Students can also engage in collaborative research with faculty, developing skills and experience with the use of statistical data, publishing their work in the World Politics Data Lab.
The department offers a major in Political Science for those broadly interested in all areas of political science. For those most interested in international politics, development, diplomacy, and conflict, the department offers a specialized major in International Relations. We also offer minors in Political Science, International Relations and support the minor in Law Justice and Society.
Academic Offerings
Political Science Major
Political Science is the study of how people govern themselves. The major provides students a solid grounding in American politics, international relations, comparative politics and political theory. Through thought-provoking courses and multiple experiential learning opportunities, including the possibility of taking courses in Washington, D.C., political science majors work closely with the faculty to explore politics and government from many different viewpoints.
International Relations Major
International Relations is the study of the systems and structures that exist (or should exist) to address global concerns. The major provides students thought-provoking courses and multiple experiential learning opportunities, including the Semester on the United Nations, to explore how competing global, regional or domestic factors affect relations between state and non-state actors as they deal with an increasing number of global challenges and threats.
Political Science Minor
The Political Science minor helps interested students understand how political systems work and practical knowledge about how policy decisions are made.
International Relations Minor
The International Relations minor provides students from other disciplines the tools to understand the increasingly complex and interdependent world of the 21st century.
Law, Justice, and Society Minor
The Law, Justice, and Society minor provides an interdisciplinary perspective on law. Students study the complex ways in which law works in society and the integral relationship of law with justice. It also helps our students to learn a holistic way of thinking about the interactions of law, justice and society that will serve them well whether they go into law or another field.
Pre-Law Advising
Many of our majors are interested in pursuing a law degree after their studies at Drew. Chelsea Ebin ([email protected]) is currently our Faculty Pre-Law Advisor and he works closely with Gwen DeBenedetto ([email protected]) of Drew’s Center for Career Development to help students navigate the law school application process.

Semesters in NYC
Students studying political science at Drew are encouraged to build upon what they learn in class by taking advantage of our NYC semesters focusing on the United Nations and Social Entrepreneurship.