Profiles of Drew Psychology Students
Malavika Vishwanath '20
If you’re looking for a Psychology student who knew from a young age that Psychology was her passion, Senior Malavika Vishwanath may not be that perfect fit.
This dedicated student-athlete, NCAA All-American swimmer from India claims she had no knowledge of the subject whatsoever before taking her first psychology class as a junior in high school in India. But in an educational system emphasizing rote memorization as the only key to success, psychology became the only subject she genuinely enjoyed. With the support from her parents as she left home and the thoughtful guidance of the psychology department at Drew, she developed an immense passion for the field and declared her Psychology major and Neurosciences minor at the end of her Freshman year.
Malavika expected her interests to become more specific, but the opposite happened: her interests grew wider with every course that she took, saying, “At the risk of sounding extremely biased, I’ve enjoyed every single Psychology course that I’ve taken so far.” In addition, all of the classes she has taken at Drew have been connected to each other.
She feels being a student of psychology has made her a better student overall. From the structure of the classes, to the relationships that they helped her build, she cannot conceive of a more rewarding experience. Psychology classes not only encourage students’ contributions, but also make sure that their contributions are valued, “which is what makes these classes so special,” she adds. The numerous presentations, papers and test (yes, even the tests…) proved invaluable in making her a better speaker, a more critical thinking and overall a better human being than she was when she first entered Drew.
As her four years near the end, Malavika is looking forward to taking a Ceramics class, developing her new found appreciation for music and applying to pursue an advanced degree in the field of Cognitive Sciences. We would all be wise to take in her parting advice: trust the process, make use of all the opportunities that are available to you, say yes more often – success in any field depends on how passionate you are about it. “The world of psychology has so much to offer,” she says “but more importantly, you will find that you have so much of your own to offer back.”
Christina Christodoulou '20