
Select public health students may be eligible to participate in the Drew Summer Science Institute (DSSI) or Research Institute for Scientists Emeriti (RISE). Seniors may also consider completing an honors thesis in public health. Past work has explored topics including:

Other research opportunities may be available through community-based learning and Civic Scholars courses offered in the program. Past offerings in medical geography, for example, have partnered with the EPA TRI Program, Global Advisors for Smokefree Policy, and the United Nations Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) – Humanitarian Data Exchange to conduct applied public health research as a component of service learning.

Examples on the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) include the work of Zainab al Badri, Atia Curtiss and Zoe Garcia on “Afghanistan Rainfall (2013-2016) and Population Comparisons (2010-2020): A Public Health and Food Security Synthesis Report with Corresponding Data,” and Jordan Burnett, Leah Nadel, Victoria Santiago and Arline Tarazona’s work “Nigeria – FEWS Net IPC Acute Food Security Classifications over Time (2009-2018): A Public Health and Food Security Synthesis Report with Corresponding Data.”

Real-world Learning Experiences

Students also have the opportunity to complete research projects as a part of the Health and Human Development in Africa ShortTREC. Some past research projects performed as a part of this experience include  Maimouna Kante’s work “Health and Natural Environment in Contemporary South Africa– Friends or Foe?”, Sydney Santa Ana’s work “Structural Differences Between Hospital and Indigenous Healer Care in South Africa: Examination of the Roles of Religious and Cultural Beliefs,” and Ryann Callaghan’s work “Integration of Traditional and Modern Medicine: A South African Case Study.”