

The Teaching minor prepares you to enter the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program to become a certified public school teacher in New Jersey. You will apply to the minor after taking EDUC 220: Equity, Justice and Education in the United States. The remainder of the courses count both for the undergraduate degree and the master’s degree as part of the 4+1 Teaching Dual-Degree program. EDUC 502 and 503 fulfill immersive experience requirements.

Students who minor in Teaching should consult with the coordinator of the minor in order to make sure you are meeting New Jersey state requirements in your content preparation. In some cases, you will add a concentration in order to meet content requirements. The Teaching minor does not lead to certification to teach in New Jersey or in any other state. Completion of the MAT program leads to New Jersey certification. If you are interested in earning certification in a state other than New Jersey, we encourage you to meet with the Director of Teacher Education to discuss your goals.

Related Programs and Certificates

Teaching (MAT)

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program prepares teachers to meet the challenges of diverse learners in 21st century classrooms. Teacher candidates participate in clinically rich coursework in a variety of learning environments in urban and suburban settings. Faculty-mentors encourage our future teachers to build their professional networks to successfully transition into the classroom.


Education (MEd)

The Master of Education program is a 30-credit advanced-degree program that focuses on theory and pedagogy. Within each specialization you will develop skills and knowledge that deepen an educator’s understanding of the field. Whether you are a K-12 educator or a higher education professional, we have a program that will help build toward your future.


Education & Society (Minor)

The Education and Society minor provides you with an interdisciplinary perspective on both the role of education in society and how societal factors influence learners and learning. It allows students who are interested in understanding the philosophical, political, psychological, and sociological factors that impact learners and learning in the American system of public education to study how humans learn and how society, culture, and politics influence learning. 


English As A Second Language (ESL)

This non-degree program can be completed on its own or in conjunction with the MAT elementary or MAT secondary education programs (up to 6 credits can be taken as part of the MAT programs) or as part of the MEd program.


Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD)

This non-degree program can be done on its own or in conjunction with the MAT elementary or secondary education programs (up to 9 credits can be taken as part of the MAT programs) or as part of the MEd program.


Teaching Writing

The certificate in Teaching Writing is designed to provide teachers of all levels with the opportunity to use research and theory to foster a vision of literacy learning as an active social process in which students become engaged writers.


Education News at Drew