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Drew University Physics Alum Now Teaching at Kutztown University

Danielle Seier discusses her time at Drew and how she pays it forward

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Drew University Alum Bob Berger C’60 on His Career

Physics alum shares details and reflections from his career path

READ MORE about Drew University Alum Bob Berger C’60 on His Career

Drew University Enters Membership with Government’s Fermi National Accelerator Lab

Students will have access to elite research facilities and technology and be part of a potentially revolutionary project

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Katelynn Fleming C’21 Enters NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Program

Fleming is also earning her PhD in microsystems engineering

READ MORE about Katelynn Fleming C’21 Enters NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Program

Rutendo Jakachira C’20 is Thriving at Brown University’s Physics PhD Program

"I didn't see myself fitting the physicist mold. Drew changed that."

READ MORE about Rutendo Jakachira C’20 is Thriving at Brown University’s Physics PhD Program

Two Drew University Students Compete in UPitchNJ Startup Competition

Hailey Hearney C'25 and Yan Zheng Lew C'25 create app for tracking motor diseases

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Drew University Alum Comes Back to The Forest as Adjunct Professor

Elizabeth Pemberton C'16 to teach data visualization course

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Two Drew University Professors Named to Project Pericles Cohorts

Minjoon Kouh and Jens Lloyd honored for attention to civic engagement in their courses

READ MORE about Two Drew University Professors Named to Project Pericles Cohorts