How Sweet It Is

Chris Pedota
More Athletic Shorts
HALL OF FAME > Five Ranger standouts—including a five-time Coach of the Year—have joined the Drew Athletic Hall of Fame. Men’s lacrosse coach Tom Leanos was honored for a 30-year run that includes 255 wins—putting him among the Top 20 winningest NCAA coaches. Inducted alongside him were Courtney Cunningham C’07 (women’s basketball/lacrosse), Rick Freedman C’80 (men’s basketball), Melissa Smeltzer-Kraft C’07 (women’s basketball/softball) and Michael Woessner C’04 (men’s soccer).
GOLF > Drew’s newest varsity sport—golf— teed up an auspicious start to its inaugural year. Both the men’s and women’s teams had won a tournament and six athletes had earned Landmark Conference Golfer of the Week titles at the close of the fall schedule.
WOMEN’S SOCCER > Prior to its October 7 game against Juniata, the women’s soccer team held a cancer awareness fundraiser, #RainbowForCeleste. The event, which included a number of soccerthemed contests, was held in honor of Celeste Bonura C’05, a former Drew soccer player who is currently battling non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.