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Drew University Election Series: Sean Hewitt, Director of the Center for Civic Engagement

Perspectives from Drew faculty and staff experts

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Drew University Election Series: Mecca Madyun, Assistant Professor of Civic Engagement

Perspectives from Drew faculty and staff experts

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Drew University’s Center for Civic Engagement Bridges Scholarship and Action

Fostering justice seekers and changemakers

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Drew University Student Named a 2024 Key Into Public Service Scholar

Jacquelyn Dal Bon C’26 selected for scholarship program connecting arts and sciences students with public sector pathways 

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Drew University Class of 2024 Outcomes: Tattyanna Morales-Vega C’24

Pursuing an MBA at Westminster University (London)

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Drew University Holds Annual Action Scholars Town Hall

First-year students present plans, actions, and approaches to support change

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Drew University Holds Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice

The third annual event highlighted community partnerships to promote food justice

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Drew University Students Visit Washington D.C. Museums, Explore Cultural Competencies

A reflection from Master of Divinity student Henry Anyomi T’25

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Women’s History Month: A Reflection from Mecca Madyun

Words of inspiration and vision from the Faculty Director of Civically Engaged Teaching & Learning

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COMMENTARY: The Unsung Heroes: Black women’s contributions to service learning

Sean Hewitt and Mecca Madyun pen op-ed in Madison Eagle

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Focus on Faculty: Mecca Madyun

Getting to know Drew University’s new faculty director of the Center for Civic Engagement December 2023 – Drew University’s Mecca Madyun, Assistant Professor of Civically Engaged Teaching and Learning & Faculty Director, Center for Civic Engagement (CCE), joined us for our Focus on Faculty series, where we highlight the many accomplishments, research, and scholarship of […]

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Drew University Hosts FilmBoot24

Drew and high school students collaborate for the 24-hour filmmaking competition

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Drew Theological School’s Korean Caucus Celebrates the Fall Semester

Building a strong Korean cultural community is the group’s mission

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Creating Lemonade From Lemons

Drew Theological School alums rebuild and rethink the UMC in an era of disaffiliation

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Drew Action Scholars Make an Impact for the Common Good  

The annual Town Hall provides a forum for discovery and discussion

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Drew University Celebrates Leaders Taking Action for the Common Good

Students, faculty, and staff recognized at the annual Civic Engagement Showcase and Awards

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Drew University Junior Receives Fellowship for Civic Engagement

"It makes me feel like my work is being seen and appreciated," said Chekwube Okunowo C'24

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Drew University Holds Worldwide Climate Teach-In

Strengthening Community Environmental Partnerships

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Drew’s Center for Civic Engagement Hosts Empowerment and Student Leadership Panel Discussion

Students reflect on gender empowerment in honor of Women’s History Month

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Drew University Students Launch Their Majors

Eden Linton C'24 provides a student view of the student-centered event guiding students to make major choices

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Drew University Welcomes Ruha Benjamin

The author, professor, visits with students, talks racial justice with the community

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Drew University Students Help Rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward

Volunteers Without Borders lends a hand to the New Orleans district 

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Drew Students Connect with the Community in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Connection and reflection organized by the Center for Civic Engagement and the Office of Student Engagement

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A Look at Drew University’s Revitalized Pan-African Studies Program

Drew will celebrate Black History Month with a number of campus events and guest speakers

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Drew University Offers Cadet Program in Partnership with Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Jamie Barbian C’22 coordinates the program through Drew’s Center for Civic Engagement

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Drew University Hosts High Schoolers at Filmmaking Bootcamp

FilmBoot24 brought Orange High Schoolers to campus for a filmmaking crash course

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Drew University Hosts New Jersey District 11 Congressional Debate

Rachel Herrera C'22 provides a student's view of the event in Drew's Concert Hall

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Two Drew Theological School Alums Utilize their Experience at Drew for the Betterment of New Jersey

The Rev. Dr. Kimberly Holmes T’11,’17 and Robert Long T’10 are colleagues at the NJ Department of Community Affairs

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Two Drew University Students Named Rising Stars by N.J. Business & Industry Association

Chekwube Okunowo C'24 and Kareena Salvi C'23 recognized for their passion, dedication

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Drew University’s Religion & Global Health Forum Hosts Health Screening in Eastern Ghana

Drew Theological School student Janet Okang T’25 organized the screenings for the rural communities

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Drew University Alum Delaney Redford C’22 Is Making a Difference with the N.J. Food Council

Alum points to opportunities, skills, and networking at Drew for launching her career

READ MORE about Drew University Alum Delaney Redford C’22 Is Making a Difference with the N.J. Food Council

Shawn Anglim T’99 Honored by National Urban League

Drew Theological School alum is a recipient of the 2022 Gumbo Coalition Community Award for his leadership in "advancing political, communal, and economic empowerment over the last decade"

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Cece Kracht C’21, G’22 Had a Long College Checklist. Drew University Checked all the Boxes.

Kracht is among the first financial engineering cohorts in the master in finance program

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Drew University First-Year Students Pen Winning Letter in Support of Immigration Rights

Four students submitted a letter to U.S. Senator Cory Booker as part of the 2022 D4D Letters to an Elected Official Competition

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Drew University Students Lend a Helping Hand in Biloxi, Mississippi

“This was an eye opening experience”

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Drew Action Scholars Address Big Problems

First-year students present plans, actions, and approaches to crucial issues at the annual Town Hall event

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Drew University Announces 2022 Civic Engagement Award Recipients

Students, faculty, and staff celebrated Drew civic engagement leaders 

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Drew University Participates in Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice

The historic event creates climate and justice dialogues across the globe

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Drew University Students Discuss Ukraine-Russia War

President, professor, dean join students at emotional gathering

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Drew University Honors MLK with Day of Service

Former Drew professor Dr. Kesha Moore delivers keynote address

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Drew Theological School Alum Selected as 2021 Field Trips to the Future Cohort Member

The Rev. Dr. Jason Coker T’09,’13 named a visionary leader to reimagine the future of rural America

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Drew University Alum’s Nonprofit Awarded 2021 J.M.K. Innovation Prize

Diya Abdo G'98,'05 founded Every Campus a Refuge in 2015

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Drew University English Grad Takes Career to the Library

Kate-Lynn Brown C'17 says "I wouldn't have gotten these experiences anywhere else"

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Two Drew University Professors Join Project Pericles Initiative

Theatre professors Lisa Brenner and Chris Ceraso represent Drew

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Drew University Partners with Westchester Community College

Increases Community College Honors Program roster to seven

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Drew University Alum Recognized for Anti-Bullying Work

Sue Apicella C'02 earned praise from the Anti-Defamation League

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Two Drew University Professors Named to Project Pericles Cohorts

Minjoon Kouh and Jens Lloyd honored for attention to civic engagement in their courses

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Drew University Student Interns with U.S. State Department

Delaney Redford C'22 gets hands-on experience in foreign affairs

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Class of 2021 On How Drew University Prepared Them For Steps Beyond The Forest

From Yale to J.P. Morgan, here's where some of C'21's finest are heading

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Drew University Student to Discuss Dramaturgy Research at Conference

Alyssa Sileo C'22 will draw on her undergraduate theatre work on virtual plays

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Drew University Students’ Work Shines at Day of Scholars

Virtual event showcases student projects, performances, and research

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Drew University Student Joins Local Housing Authority

Nohemy Zabala C'21 uses Drew academics, experiences, skills to pursue community advocacy

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Day of Scholars 2021

Drew University’s annual Day of Scholars event took place on Friday, April 16 from 3-5 p.m. This virtual, interactive event featured Drew University students delivering research presentations, musical performances and poetry readings before answering viewer questions. This year’s event included a combination of live and recorded presentations, as well as an online gallery of Senior […]

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Drew University Alum Recognized for Social Impact Work

Jen Siaca Curry C'05 was named to Forbes' list of up-and-coming entrepreneurs

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Drew University Student Advocates for COVID-19 Vaccination

Justin Roskam C'21 writes op-ed as a N.J. Governor STEM Scholar

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Drew University Marks One Year of COVID-19

University faces challenges of pandemic with spirit of care, dedication, creativity

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Drew University Model UN Conference Intrigues Local Middle Schoolers

Drew students volunteer to guide nearly 200 middle schoolers

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Diary of a Drew University Student at Sea

Hannah Primiano C'22 covers her oceanographic research

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Drew University Students Create STEM Labs

Three students volunteered to create labs in optical physics for middle and high schoolers

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Drew Celebrates MLK Day with Day of Service

On-campus and virtual events honor Dr. King's legacy

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Drew Students Discuss Immersive Experiences

The Launch Immersive Experiences Fair spotlights undergraduate opportunities

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Introducing the 2020 Launch Communities Expo

Students can build networks, pursue immersive experiences

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Drew U First-Years Get Perspective from Racial Justice Organization

Founders of From Privilege to Progress speak to first-year seminars

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Drew University Continues Climb in Washington Monthly Rankings

Drew ranked 69th, up 16 spots from 2019

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Checking in with Drew University’s Recent Grads

Three recent grads provide updates from life beyond The Forest

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Drew Professor Signs Letter to Reduce Single-Use Plastics Amid Pandemic

"The misunderstanding that single-use plastics are healful needs to change."

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Drew Student Earns Recognition as a Playwright

Alyssa Sileo C'22 combines passions for writing and social issues

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Drew Student Employee of the Year Gets National Recognition

Jessica Corujo C'20 represents New Jersey in national competition

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Drew University Day of Scholars 2020

Annual celebration of student achievement

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Drew University’s Kyle Weisholtz Fights COVID-19 on the Front Lines

Joins volunteer efforts to ease burden on hospitals

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Drew Day of Scholars

Annual celebration of student achievement April 2020 – Drew University’s annual Day of Scholars event went virtual in 2020. During a two-hour interactive event live-streamed on YouTube, 15 Drew students delivered 5-minute research presentations, musical performances and poetry readings before answering viewer questions. The virtual atmosphere was filled with positive feedback and insightful questions in […]

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Drew Center for Internships and Career Development Stays Busy

Career advice, workshops and alumni panels go virtual

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Drew University Class Trip Leads to Alumni Connection and an Internship

Adam Sandonato C'20 lands internship after making alumni connection

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TEDxDrewUniversity 2020 Solves For X

Student-run event brings experts to campus to discuss important topics

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Drew Hosts Morris County Chamber of Commerce Networking Event

53 students mingle with more than 100 local business leaders

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Drew University Launches the Religion and Global Health Forum

In partnership with the Harvard Global Health Catalyst, Drew Theological School and Drew’s Medical Humanities Program. February 2020 — Drew Theological School celebrated the launch of the Religion and Global Health Forum, a pilot initiative to bridge the diverse worlds of faith and medicine to improve individual and public health outcomes globally. In partnership with […]

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Drew University’s Teaching Program Connects Students to Experts

Program builds skills and creates huge network of teachers

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Drew’s 2020 MLK Awards From the Student Perspective

Lara Schmidt C'23 describes the inclusivity-focused event

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Drew Student Discusses NJ Governor’s Office Internship

"The experience was certainly something that was helpful for my résumé."

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Drew Celebrates “Nonnegotiable” Values at 2020 MLK Awards

Student-led event focuses on creating an open dialogue

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Drew Theological School Explores MLK as a Prophet Preacher

The Rev. Dr. Jerry M. Carter, Jr. T’07 led the discussion. February 2020 – The Rev. Dr. Jerry M. Carter, Jr. T’07 spoke during a community forum at Drew Theological School to celebrate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his role as a prophet preacher in raising the moral conscience of the nation. […]

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Drew University Students Take Trip to D.C. for Black History Month

Visit the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture

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Drew University Celebrates Black History Month

List of events, concerts and trips

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Drew Theological School Professor Continues his Philosophy in Retirement

Robert Corrington founded the Institute of Ecstatic Naturalism

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Drew University’s Top Stories of 2019

Accolades, love and new programs in The Forest

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Drew Business Students Step Into the Shark Tank

Undergrads get feedback on projects from industry professionals, including alums

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Drew Hits the Streets for Climate Change

Students join thousands at the Global Climate Strike in NYC. September 2019 – Students from Drew University and Drew Theological School joined tens of thousands of young people at the Global Climate Strike in New York City. The movement, organized by The Climate Strike Coalition, demands action on climate change. Drew’s participation was organized by […]

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Students on Drew Theological School’s New Curriculum

Real-world learning + mentorship + vocational pathways.

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Commencement 2019

Speakers to #Drew19: Celebrate, Engage and Enjoy

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Drew Responds to UMC Stance on Gay Clergy, Same-Sex Marriage

School closely monitors affiliation, embraces LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff.

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Drew Theological School Honored for Interfaith Engagement

Forging connections to the Muslim community.

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Drew Associate Provost Enters Leadership Program

Jessica Lakin among just 41 invitees. 

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N.J. Enlists Drew in Higher Ed Push

President and head of campus life and student affairs serving on working groups. 

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Drew’s Top 15 Stories of 2018-19

Star students, a championship and a passion project.

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Eight #Drew19 Experiences

Seniors on their paths to careers.

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Drew Theological School Honors Students

39 students earn awards.

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Drew Celebrates Excellence

92 students earn awards from the College of Liberal Arts.

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Drew Student Wins Goldwater Scholarship

Mason Scher is among just 496 winners in the U.S.  

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Heather Murray Elkins on 32 Years at Drew Theological School

Retiring professor's 'presence and influence will endure for generations to come.’

READ MORE about Heather Murray Elkins on 32 Years at Drew Theological School

Drew’s President on Making Immersive Experiences Central to Education

Research, internships and service = building blocks to professional life.

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John Kasich at Drew: ‘Power Comes from the Bottom Up’

Urges individuals to 'restore the soul of our country.'

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5 Takeaways From Social Entrepreneur at Drew

Diya Abdo G'98,'01,'05 founded Every Campus a Refuge.

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Christine Todd Whitman to Speak at Drew Commencement

Led the EPA and was first female governor of New Jersey.

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Drew Theological School Examines MLK as a Pastor

The Rev. Dr. Leslie Callahan leads the discussion.  

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Drew’s Day of Service Honors MLK

Students work with Habitat for Humanity, Market Street Mission.

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Drew Celebrates MLK

Serving and honoring others. 

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Borough Council Welcomes Drew Alum

Debra Pierce Coen C'97 on how Drew helped get her there. 

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Drew Tackles Homelessness in Morris County

Students and professors work with the community to find solutions.

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New Councilman Picked Up Civic Engagement at Drew

Dan Chiariello C'86 cites professors who inspired him. 

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A Bona Fide Genius

William Barber T’03 Named MacArthur Fellow.

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In the Public Square

Social Justice is the focus of Theological School lectures.

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Drew Alum Elected to Council

Stephen Yellin C'10 thanks professors who mentored him. 

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Activist at Drew: Banish Resignation and Stay Involved

Speaker preaches relationship-building and bipartisanship. 

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Drew Theological School Named a World-Changing Seminary

Stands out for engagement in communities.

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