
Drew University’s The Fund Provides Real Returns on Investment

Harrison Neal C’23, Luis Enrique Lopez Rios C’24, and Kathleen Frazier C’24 offer an inside look into the University’s student-run investment portfolio


Photo by Brendan Burkett C'26

March 2023 – Drew University’s The Fund, a student-run portfolio launched in 2014 with seed money donations from Drew alums, enables students to gain experience in investment trading outside of the traditional class experience.  

Students research and analyze market sectors and various stocks using Bloomberg Terminals in the new investment classroom, followed by crafting and presenting Shark Tank-inspired stock pitches to their officers and co-members before deciding what action to take.

The Fund’s Chief Executive Officer Harrison Neal C’23 credits the experience as a means to “train students to have transferable skills that are directly related to entering a professional finance or business career.” 

The Fund took a short hiatus during the pandemic when gathering in-person was difficult, but was reorganized last semester with two returning officers, Neal and Chief Financial Officer Luis Enrique Lopez Rios C’24, leading the efforts. 


Photo by Brendan Burkett C'26

With the guidance of the Chair of Business Sarah Abramowitz, and the Associate Chair of Business Steven Firestone, members of The Fund have redefined their organizational structure, elected additional officers, and have a clear path towards renewed success. 

Along with Neal and Lopez Rios, The Fund’s leadership is composed of Chief Operations Officer Kathleen Frazier C’24 and Chief Marketing Officer Cameryn Brown C’25. Justin Pernell C’23, Matthew Agudelo C’24, Jack Polvere C’24, and Luke Stevens C’24 serve as sector directors, responsible for overseeing the execution of stock pitches performed within their respective sectors.


Photo by Brendan Burkett C'26

During The Fund’s recent meeting, the group was joined by Rebecca Kuhar C’96, executive director, healthcare, higher education and nonprofit banking at JP Morgan. She shared her experience in the financial field along with advice and resources for students to further their career prospects. 

In addition, the group hosted a review of The Fund’s portfolio holdings. Two pitch presentations focused on recalibrating their most heavily weighted positions in Nvidia and Microsoft. The Fund’s portfolio currently consists of 20 holdings, with the most recent pitch and purchase of Delta occurring in mid-March. The group has passed five successful pitches since the beginning of the semester. With the growing number of students joining each week, they anticipate having many more in the near future. 

The Fund currently meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. The entire Drew community is encouraged to attend. 


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