Print Less Image

1. Stop Printing the Internet

Instead of printing online material, use services like Pocket (free) or Instapaper (free on computer, app:$2.99), which will save and store articles and pages you want to read and provide easy-to-read online and mobile formats.

2. Collaborate Online

Use online collaboration tools like Google Drive or Dropbox to access and work on the same documents. You can then share these documents with your co-workers or students.

3. Stop Printing Your Email

Printing does not equal saving. Email is already storable, savable, and sendable. Plus mobile options these days give you easy access to email and calendars.

4. PDFs Are the New Paper

Portable Document Format, or PDFs are the new paper. “Save as” or print directly to PDF. Scan paper originals to use, save, or distribute instead of making paper copies.

More ideas:

  • Practice double sided printing (duplex)
  • Set paper margins to 0.5 inches
  • Visit this link for more ideas

To share additional tips to “Keep it on the Screen” and conserve paper, email

Reduce Your Margins

These instructions are specifically for Office 2007, where all margins are set to 1 inch, but printers can still print pages with smaller margins.

Each user must manually change their page margins. To change your default margin settings:

  1. Open Word. A blank page will show.
  2. Click Page Layout
  3. Click Margins and at the bottom of that menu, click Custom Margins.
  4. Set your desired Margin preferences (set to 0.5″ all around) and on the bottom left , click default.
  5. You will be asked if you want to change the default settings, click yes.
  6. Now every time you open Word, that blank page will display with your new margin settings.

Please note some professors prefer 1″ margins. Ask your professor what margins they prefer for turning in reports.

Did you know…

The page margin settings for Office 2003 are 1.5 inches on the left and right margins!