Drew University Energy Star Policy

All appliances and electronics purchased must meet the government’s Energy Star guidelines for efficiency. Drew University’s Instructional Technology Services practices EPEAT Silver or higher procurement for computers and monitors.

Drew University Environmentally Responsible Building Guidelines

Guidelines for new construction and major renovations.

Green Cleaning

Drew contracts with a custodial company that uses 90% Green Seal Certified cleaning supplies. More information about this certification is available at greenseal.org.

Recycling Policy

All paper products, bottles, cans, and electronics generated on campus that have reached the end of their useful life are recycled, pursuant to New Jersey state laws.

Native Tree/Plant Policy

All trees planted on campus must be native to the area. Only native perennials are planted on campus. Drew has a 1 to 1 tree replacement policy. For every tree that we remove, one is planted in its place someplace on campus.

No Idling Policy

Idling for more than three (3) minutes is prohibited in New Jersey with limited exceptions. Drew University has recently instituted its own no idling policy and installed “No Idling Zone” signs to spread awareness around campus.

Paper Purchasing Policy

Drew University purchases 100% post-consumer content, American-made paper products in its operations, actively procures double-sided printing techniques, and educates its members to reduce paper and toner usage.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan

: The program implemented is based on a standard four step process as outlined below:

1.    Setting action thresholds that are based on the potential economic injury level. This includes consideration of the potential impact of the pest to the overall landscape of the university as well as the community.

2.    Monitoring/scouting continually, throughout the landscape, for pests and assessing the current population/penetration compared to threshold.

3.    Implementing preventative measures to reduce the risk of pest population/penetration reaching threshold. Preventative measures begin withcultural and mechanical options such proper soil nutrition and pruning practices. In limited instances treatment may be escalated  to an appropriate chemical application when non chemical methods have proved ineffective in maintaining threshold.

4.    Selective control methods that match pests which have reached threshold and are a threat to the sustainability of the campus landscape.