Below are some of the programs promoting sustainability at Drew:


A bicycle rental program for students to get around campus and downtown using alternative transportation. Simply register for the program and pick up your bicycle and lock! Bicycles are painted yellow with ‘Drew University’ on the frame.

The C’05 Class Gift is aiming to help Drew’s sustainability efforts. With a goal of $5,000, the class gift will purchase several Elkay water filling stations on campus in support of a proposed campus-wide ban on single-use plastic water bottles. Drew has already begun this process, and this gift will help to add additional stations in the DoYo and in the dorms. This initiative is a priority of President MaryAnn Baenninger and the University Sustainability Committee, and is an important step Drew can take to honor the American College and University


  • Water bottle-filling stations provide you with great-tasting, filtered water from local sources.
  • Carbon-based filters are changed out every few months.
  • Bottled water from hundreds–or even thousands–of miles away is expensive and perpetuates our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Using a refillable bottle saves both money and natural resources!


Building Water Refill Station Location
Brothers College Filling Station Located on the first floor near the bathrooms
Carriage House Filling Station A goose neck style fountain located in the kitchen at the sink
Commons Filling Station 1 The soft drink fountain provides filtered water options
Commons Filling Station 2 The soft drink fountains provide filtered water options
Dorothy Young Center for the Arts Filling Station Located in the Theater Wing near the vending machines
Ehinger Center Student Center Filling Station Located near the bathroom
Hall of Sciences Filling Station Located near the bathrooms on the ground floor
Learning Center Filling Station Filling station available near the bathrooms in the Learning Center
Madison House Filling Station Located on the second floor near the bathroom
McLendon Hall Filling Station Located on the first floor by the bathrooms
Pepin Filling Station Located in the lower level Facilities Breakroom
Rose Library Filling Station Filling station available on wall opposite main entrance
Seminary Hall Basement Filling Station Located on the bottom floor by the bathrooms
Seminary Hall First Floor Filling Station Located on the first floor by the bathrooms
Seminary Hall Second Floor Filling Station Located on the second floor by the bathrooms
Simon Forum Filling Station Located on the second floor of the Simon Forum across from the fitness room
Tolley Brown Filling Station Located on the first floor by the kitchen area in the TB Lounge area
Welch Holloway Filling Station Located in the common area near the vending machine
Wesley (Admissions) House Filling Station Located on the second floor by the bathroom

Certified LEED-Silver by the United States Green Building Council

The new residence hall heats and cools the building using geothermal energy. The building utilizes the earth’s consistent 55 degree temperature to more efficiently control the building’s temperature for occupants.

More on geothermal as a renewable energy

The Environmental Studies and Sustainability program provides students with the in-depth knowledge, multidisciplinary perspectives, and critical skills needed to address the complex environmental problems of today and of the future. For more information, visit the ESS website.

Drew encourages using a reusable mug in place of disposable beverage containers. The Snack Bar (EC) and the Peet’s Cafe (BC) offer a 10% discount to Drew Community members carrying a reusable mug.

  • Alan Dawson (Anthropology)
  • Alan Rosan (Chemistry)
  • Bjorg Larson (Physics)
  • Caroline Maier (Biology)
  • Catherine Keller (Theological School)
  • Eric Anderson (Philosophy)
  • Heather Elkins (Theological School)
  • Laurel Kearns (Theological School)
  • Lisa Jordan (Political Science)
  • Marc Boglioli (Anthropology)
  • Maria Masucci (Anthropology)
  • Molly Crowther (Chemistry)
  • Raul Rosales (Spanish)
  • Ryan Hinrichs (Chemistry)
  • Summer Harrison (English)
  • Tammy Windfelder (Biology)

Fern Fest is an annual re-foresting event at Drew held during Earth Week. Students work to replace a section of campus lawn with diverse native ferns and wildflowers, helping to restore the forest ecosystem that once thrived here. Small shrubs and trees are also planted. The Fern Fest event also includes other activities, depending on interests of the organizing students: tie-dying, craft and food booths, and bands playing into the evening. The end results: enhanced biodiversity on campus, a fun community celebration, and some good environmental education for all!

Recycling may seem like an unusual cause for school spirit, but at Drew, the national RecycleMania competition unites the community in purpose. In just 10 weeks in 2008, the campus recycled almost 45 tons (90,000 pounds) of bottles, cans, paper and cardboard. That’s 33.5 pounds per person! The effort earned the university a 20th place finish out of 180 participating institutions.