Drew Staff Association Executive Board 2024-2025


The Co-Chairs of Drew University Staff Association (DSA) shall preside at meetings of the General Membership and of the Executive Board and shall discharge the duties which ordinarily pertain to that office. The Co-Chairs shall represent staff and the DSA to Cabinet and Executive Leadership and serve as the Staff Member-at-Large on the Annual Planning Budget Council (APBC)

  • Jenna Corraro, Instructional Technology
  • Emily La Jeunesse, Library
The Parliamentarian shall be the custodian of all records of the Executive Board and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board which, after approval, shall be transcribed in permanent record and then shared with every member of the Executive Board. The Parliamentarian shall manage the annual election process and present a slate of nominees to the executive board and prepare the vote for the general membership. The Parliamentarian shall also be responsible for identifying potential amendments and  processing suggested amendments to the Constitution/By-Laws. Lastly, shall ensure compliance of the by-laws, including, but not limited to, during Executive Board meetings.

  • Andy Koneski, Admissions
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the monitoring of the Drew University Staff Association (DSA) budget and shall oversee and authorize all expenditures. The Treasurer shall present the proposed budget for approval by the Board at the September Executive Board meeting. The treasurer shall support the functional area in maintaining budgets for events and programming.

  • Eva Endahl, Financial Services

The Members-at-Large shall represent specific constituencies that otherwise lack representation on the Executive Board and shall serve as liaisons from those constituencies to the Executive Board and aid in planning, executing and coordinating events and initiatives as needed. This includes overseeing the Staff Spotlight initiative or its equivalent in addition to supporting projects or initiatives as directed by the Executive Board.

  • Kathleen Merusi, Communications
  • Tyra Asberry, Educational Opportunity Scholars

The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion/Community Action Functional Area, shall promote initiatives, training, and workshops on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion among the staff. This functional area shall focus on offering various training opportunities, championing not only the lived experiences of staff, but also ensuring that staff in positions of privilege have the competencies to serve students from drastically different backgrounds than their own.  In order to fully serve Drew students historically excluded from the university apparatus, this functional area will provide staff with opportunities to learn how to respectfully meet the needs of such lived experiences. This functional area also works to connect Drew staff members with civic engagement and volunteer opportunities that help meet Drew’s mission.

  • Cassandra Davis, Academic Services
  • Kimberly Giorgio, Center for Internships and Career Development
  • Julian Parham, Center for Global Education

The Advertising and Engagement Functional Area shall be responsible for building community through social (media) outreach by creating content to share on the main social channel(s) necessary for DSA communications and the website, regarding programming, service, and bylaws, to the community. Using social strategies to Advertise DSA events, news, and information, as well as accepting feedback from the community will be used to engage and build trust with the community. This includes collaborating on, contributing to, and supporting projects and initiatives directed by the Executive Board.

  • Stephanie Caldwell, Office of the Registrar

The Programming Functional Area shall focus on promoting a spirit of community and encouraging active engagement with the DSA. This functional area is responsible for the development and organization of events with Board approval. The committee shall create opportunities for staff to gather for the purpose of professional development and social well-being. Programs can include but are not limited to seminars, training sessions, receptions and meals and events with interest to promote personal growth and education. In order to ensure this sense of community for all staff, at least one member should be willing to serve as the liaison to new staff employees. Liaison responsibilities include working with Human Resources to identify and mentor new staff employees to raise awareness about the DSA. In cultivating an understanding of what it means to be a new person at Drew, it is recommended that one member be a recent hire.

  • Jennifer Caldwell, Civic Engagement
  • Lisa Ellner, Office of the Registrar
  • Katie Murray, Dean’s Office
  • Steven Couras, Residence Life and Community Standards

These members represent the full-time and part-time staff on matters relating to compensation, including both salary and benefits. Benefits include, but are not limited to, retirement contributions; health care, disability, life, and other insurance; vacation time; benefits related to housing; tuition benefits, here and elsewhere, for employees and dependents; leave policies; and child care.

  • Audra Tonero, Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Cynthia Garrett, Campus Life and Student Affairs