Recruiting & Onboarding Resources

Approved Out-of-State Hiring

Out-of-state hiring is limited to candidates who reside in states where Drew University has obtained approval by each state’s Department of Labor as an approved employer of remote workers.
This decision aligns with Drew’s commitment to compliance and ensures we adhere to legal and regulatory requirements.
As such, when considering out-of-state candidates for fully or partially remote positions, please verify their primary address is located within a permissible state before extending an offer to candidates.
Below is a list of Drew University approved states to hire adjuncts, full-time faculty or staff to work remotely.

  • Alabama (AL)
  • California (CA)
  • Michigan (MI)
  • New Jersey (NJ)
  • New York (NY)
  • Pennsylvania (PA)
  • South Carolina (SC)
  • Vermont (VT)
  • Washington D.C (DC)

Hiring candidates to work remotely in a state not listed above indicates that Drew University cannot meet the state minimum registration requirements as a remote employer.

Additional states may be added in the future should Drew University meet the minimum state registration requirements. This will ensure Drew University maintains compliance throughout the recruitment process.

Position Review Committee (PRC) Guidelines 


The Position Review Committee (PRC) is a president-appointed committee responsible for allocating University resources. PRC will review and discuss all non-faculty open hiring requests, as well as actions impacting current non-faculty employees, such as: title, salary, or FTE changes; other compensation or position adjustments; and evaluation and implementation of University-wide austerity measures related to staff to ensure they satisfy operational needs and are aligned with budgets and strategic plans. This systematic approach allows for consistent, fair, and equitable responses to how requests are identified, evaluated, and resolved. It also creates a collaborative process for how to meet the personnel needs of the University in a financially responsible manner.


  • Create clear, transparent, and understandable processes to identify and communicate a needed or desired personnel action and to evaluate and resolve each request.
  • Deploy processes that maximize opportunities to create and maintain a diverse workforce.
  • Execute the process with the expediency and deliberation appropriate to the situation.  In all cases, all should clearly define and understand the timeline.
  • Process each request with a simultaneous and complementary evaluation of human resources principles (e.g., title, job duties, internal equity, etc.) and budgetary considerations and constraints.
  • Maximize the effectiveness of limited resources to achieve institutional priorities.


University President
Chief of Staff and Dean of Administration
Chief Human Resources Officer (Chair)
Chief Financial Officer
Vice President of Academic Affairs & Provost
Vice President for Enrollment Management & Campus Life
Vice President of Advancement
Vice President of Facilities & Operations
Vice President of Communications & Strategic Initiatives

Committee recommendations will be sent to the President of the University for final review and approval. After final review and approval, the Chief Human Resource Officer will communicate status updates to managers with outstanding position requests.

Between meetings, the Office of Human Resources and Finance will gather input on each request, including market data, internal equity information, budgetary considerations, and other data.


All requests and supporting documentation for review by the PRC should be sent to The submission deadline is Thursday at noon so that proposals can be evaluated the following Tuesday. Requests for new positions or other personnel changes are identified, evaluated, and resolved through the process outlined below.


The committee meets weekly on Tuesdays.


Step 1: Hiring Manager submits to the Position Review Committee using email address:, the following: (1) Position Review Committee Form and include a description of the benefits and need for the new position and how the need will be met if the position is not approved; (2) copy of the department’s current and proposed organizational charts; and (3) Job Description Questionnaire Template (JDQ).

  • New Positions

Human Resources (HR) will review the position description, organizational charts, and current work distribution and, in coordination with the department head/chair/supervisor, will assess opportunities for cross-functional or interdepartmental realignment.  Considering market data and internal equity, HR will also determine the appropriate compensation.

Once the position and compensation review is completed, the PRC will review the request and supporting documents and evaluate the impact on the College’s budget. The senior manager’s proposal and the committee’s assessment will be submitted to the President for final determination and funding through the next annual budget cycle.

Requests for new positions that do not include all the supporting documentation will not be considered. All the documents must be included to ensure a complete request evaluation.

  • Request to Fill Vacancies and Other Adjustments in Compensation, Title,  and Work Schedule/Remote Work

The senior manager and the department head/chair/supervisor will review the current vacancy and necessary/proposed personnel change to evaluate opportunities for restructuring, redistribution, and/or reorganization of the work.

If the senior manager and the department head/chair/supervisor determine that a personnel action is an optimal approach, the senior manager will submit the request, including a job description and a copy of the department’s current and proposed organizational charts, to the PRC.

The request should include a description of the benefits of filling the vacancy and/or the personnel changes and how the needs will be met if the position is not approved; the incumbent’s name; and the effective dates, including the resignation or retirement date if applicable. In the case of a resignation or retirement, a letter must be submitted to HR prior to any personnel change request submission.

HR will review the position description, organizational charts, and current work distribution and, in coordination with the department head/chair/supervisor, will assess opportunities for cross-functional or interdepartmental realignment.

With senior manager approval, HR and the department head/chair/supervisor will determine the appropriate compensation, considering multiple sources, including market data and internal equity.

The PRC will review the request, supporting documents, and recommendations from HR, and will approve or decline further review of the request based on all relevant information.

The PRC will take one of the following actions:

  1. Make a recommendation for approval once the committee fully understands the financial and human resource impacts. (Any additional financial commitments must be covered by limited funding for mid-year actions.)
  2. Defer the request to be reviewed during the next budget cycle.
  3. Recommend against the proposed personnel change.

The PRC will send recommendations for personnel changes to the President of the University for final review and approval. The PRC will notify senior staff of the position requests and outcomes.

Step 2: Once Step 1 is approved, Human Resources will notify the hiring manager to complete the Job Posting Template, reclassification form, waiver of job posting, FTE change, etc.

Step 3: For PRC requests involving job postings and the selection of new hires, once a candidate has been selected via the Applicant Tracking System, the hiring manager will complete the Offer Letter in ADP.  For internal hires, temporary employees, interns, and volunteers, use the Offer Letter Request Form. Use the Offer Letter Request Form only for internal hires, temporary employees, interns, and volunteers.

If filling a temporary position, please complete the  Temporary Employee Request Form and send it to

Step 4: Complete the UT Technology Needs Form to update UT on the tech needs (i.e., phone line, computer/laptop, Banner access) of a new hire or current Drew employee who is moving office locations or changing jobs.

Step 5: Once the new hire is onboarded, return the Job Description Template to Human Resources with both the supervisor’s and new hire’s endorsements.

*Please note that steps 1, 3, and 5 only cover staff positions. For information on this process for faculty, please get in touch with the Provost’s office.

Step 1: Complete the Confirmation Letter Request Form to generate letters confirming transactions like title changes, departmental transfers, promotions, salary increases, renewals, etc.

Step 2: Forward an updated Job Description Questionnaire Template (JDQ) to HR (relevant for all situations except salary increases and renewals where there has been no change to the duties of the role). If warranted by the nature of the change, complete the UT Technology Needs Form to update UT on the tech needs (i.e., phone line and computer).

Step 1: Please have your affiliate sign the Drew University User Agreement before completing the form below. You will be asked to upload this when completing the affiliate form.

Step 2: Complete the Affiliate Account Request Form.

Step 3: Please take note of your Affiliate’s potential end date, and reach out to HR at least a month prior to extend or renew their access.

*Please note that access is provided in 1-year increments unless a shorter time frame is indicated. The sponsoring department is responsible for contacting HR to extend or renew access.

Welcome to Drew!  To help facilitate your acclimation to the University, we have created an onboarding information packet and checklist to keep track of your required items.

Onboarding Checklist







Return the signed Offer Letter to and your hiring manager. One week after receiving the offer letter. All Employees; Not applicable to agency temps*


Within 1-2 business days of HR receiving your signed letter, you will receive an email from ADP, our payroll partner, to complete your onboarding. In order to receive your Drew email account, you must be completely onboarded in ADP.

Note: There are some exceptions to this process if your appointment does not begin until the following academic year. HR will communicate the onboarding timeframe to you.

As soon as possible but at least 3 weeks prior to your start/hire date All Employees; Not applicable to agency temps*


Once you activate your Drew email address and ULogin has been established, register for Duo Two-Factor Authentication System  For help, contact the Helpdesk.  Start date All



Review our Benefits webpage.  You will receive an email from HR about attending a benefits orientation and notifying you when you’re able to enroll in benefits. If you have any questions, please email Within 72 hours of receiving the benefits email Only benefits-eligible employees


Access relevant forms based on part time or full time status here.

When uploading, please be sure to respond to the “Who are the files from?” with your name in “Last Name, First Name” format.

End of first week All employees


Click here for more information. End of first week All employees; Issued to others as needed


Please contact Campus Security.  End of first week All


Complete any department-specific new hire tasks outlined by your supervisor  If a key order has been submitted for you, bring your ID to Facilities Department to retrieve your keys. Start date All Employees; Check with supervisor


The following training is required for all new hires. Login credentials will be emailed a few weeks after start date.

  1. FERPA—Confidentiality of All Records
  2. Discrimination—Avoiding Discriminatory Practice
  3. Sexual Harassment—Staff-to-Staff
  4. Protecting Children on Campus: Preventing Sexual Abuse
Within 14 days of receipt of training email All Employees; Not applicable to contractors, agency
temps* or volunteers
*Not the same as  “Drew Temp” as Drew Temps are paid and employed by the University as opposed to an external entity. 

**Please note that your prior existence in Drew’s Banner systems will preclude you from receiving the activation email in Step 3.  If this is the case, you may be able to resurrect access to your Drew email by simply resetting your password if you have forgotten your login credentials.  Otherwise, if you have not received your activation email within 2 business days of completing Step 2, please contact the HR Office at HumRes@Drew.Edu.

Please refer to the Student Employment website for further information.