Hiring Managers

Looking to hire a federal work-study or non work-study student employee? Complete the Student Employee Hiring Form.

Has your student employee’s job ended or are you terminating a student employee? Please complete the Student Employee Termination Form.

Student Employment Guidelines

  • Student employees are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year (this includes all positions/departments in totality for students employed by more than one department). Students and supervisors should discuss all positions the student plans to accept before any hiring documentation is submitted to ensure they adhere to the maximum hours set. Please be aware that student employees are not allowed to clock in and out or be paid for hours exceeding 20 per week.
  • Graduate and Theological students who have been offered and accepted an adjunct position cannot be classified as student employees at any point during the term they are teaching.
  • All student employment must take place on campus. Remote work is not permitted through the Student Employment Program.
  • Students must meet the eligibility requirements for student employment:
    • Be enrolled in a degree program or an approved non-degree program 
    • Be achieving satisfactory academic progress
    • Be enrolled in at least 12 credits as an undergraduate student or six credits as a graduate student.

Important Information

  • Priority hiring will begin for all Federal Work Study (FWS) students and returning non–work-study (non-FWS) students on Monday, August 14, with a start date no earlier than August 27, which corresponds with the first day of the pay period of the week Fall classes begin. 
  • Priority hiring will end on September 14. At that time, all remaining open positions can be filled by students who have yet to be hired into a primary role.  
  • Effective with the AY 2023-2024, students can work up to two (2) positions. Students can apply for second positions after the non-priority hiring period has ended. The reason for this policy is to support the University’s objective to provide employment experiences to all student populations. 
  • Student positions fall into one of two categories: primary and flexible positions. Primary positions have consistent hours week to week that students can rely on. Whereas flexible positions provide hours on an as-needed basis as directed by the supervisor and their department.

Handshake will remain the student employment platform in which hiring managers, (upon granted access to the system by the Student Employment Coordinator), can post job openings in their departments.  Handshake recommends that all new users review the list of resources below in the Handshake Help Center in addition to Handshake 101 and Posting Jobs on Handshake modules in the Pathfinder training. The Help Center is the resource recommended to hiring managers if you have questions about Handshake. We encourage users to carve out some time to look through these resources:

The process for all student employees for AY 2023-24 is as follows:

  • The supervisor submits a Fall Student Employee Request Form for the student they wish to hire. The Student Employee Request Form for AY 2023-2024 is available here.
  • The Student Employment Team reviews students’ eligibility to work.
  • The Student Employment Team notifies the supervisor and student if the student does not meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Any new student employee hires must complete the required onboarding in Drew’s payroll system (ADP) if eligible. They will receive an email from myadp.com with instructions on completing the necessary steps to complete their onboarding.
    • SCHEDULING I-9 DOCUMENT REVIEW: all new student employees must present their personal identification in person within three (3) days of starting employment. I-9 documentation review will be handled on an appointment basis in Madison House (building 57 on the campus map). A scheduling link will be sent to the student’s email address once their onboarding is complete. 
  • Once onboarding is completed, the Student Employment Team issues a final approval to the supervisor and the student. This approval email will include the approved position and start date. 

If a student turns down a position or a department has decided to no longer hire a student after documentation has been submitted, the supervisor must submit the Student Employee Termination Form before submitting a new campus placement form for an additional hire. 

Important Reminder:  All Student Employee Hiring Requests must receive final approval from the Student Employment Team before the student is given a start date. Students are not permitted to work and will only be paid once they have completed the required onboarding, been legally verified to begin work, and have received approval to work from the Student Employment Office. 

Before returning to campus, all students who plan to work on campus must be prepared to bring physical Proof of Identification and Work Authorization documents to campus in order to work. By federal law, all students must show unexpired and original documents.  PLEASE NOTE – photocopies of documents are not acceptable. Students will bring their identification to the Student Employment Office located at Madison House (building 57 on the Campus Map). Student Workers who fail to complete this step within the allotted time may result in suspension or termination of employment because no legal verification permits work to begin. For a list of acceptable documents, click here.

Pay rates are set by the Student Employment Office annually as approved by the University administration. 

All undergraduate student positions for Fall 2023 are set up in the payroll system at $12.00 per hour.  Effective January 1, 2024, the hourly rate will change to $12.86 per hour.

All positions requiring a graduate-level student per the approved job description are set up in the payroll systems as $15.00 per hour for the academic year.

Student wages are subject to federal and state income tax and are exempt from FICA/Medicare tax while taking a minimum number of credits during the academic year. 

  • In order to be eligible for student employment, students must:
    • Be enrolled in a degree program or an approved non-degree program
    • Be achieving satisfactory academic progress
    • Be enrolled in at least 12 credits as an undergraduate student or 6 credits as a graduate student.
  • Student employees must clock in at the start of their work session and clock out at the end of the work session within Resource Navigation’s CollegeTime.
  • Students should never be approved to work during any of their scheduled class times as this jeopardizes compliance with federal work study regulations.
  • It is the responsibility of both the student and the supervisor to make sure that the hours recorded are correct, the student has clocked in/out each workday, and all hours are approved by noon of the payroll week.
  • Supervisors must approve all time cards in accordance with Drew University Pay Schedule. To view the Pay Schedule click the following link: 2023 Payroll Schedule
  • Please note that stipends are not an acceptable form of payment for work performed by student employees. Please speak with Meredith if you have questions about an extenuating circumstance.
  • Supervisors are required to oversee all work of their student employees and verify that clocked hours correspond with work performed.
International students cannot begin work until they have applied for a Social Security number and provide a receipt of the application (uploaded to ADP) showing that the application is in process. For more information on how to obtain a Social Security number, please contact the Office of International Students and Scholar Services at isss@drew.edu.

Student employees currently employed by departments that require student work during the break are permitted to work on campus during that period. However, it is essential to understand that student employees are not authorized to work when the University is closed from December 23, 2024 through January 1, 2025.

  • Students are limited to working up to 30 hours per week during the break.
  • Supervisors must provide the Student Employment Office a list of student employees who will be working for your department over the winter break. Please use this Winter Break Employment Form
  • Only students approved to work during the Winter Break will receive payment.
  • Please note, students are ineligible for holiday pay. Additionally, only students who have been approved to work during Winter Break may request sick time