Technology Services Portfolio

Below, you will find a list of services provided by the technology departments at Drew. To search for a specific term, use the Search box.

If you are looking for help with a specific subject, you can also check our online support resources at, or you can reach out to the Helpdesk via phone (973-408-4357), email (, or online (

A/V setups for Drew community and off-campus renters Installed and portable A/V setups in campus spaces. MRC
Account Support UT Helpdesk supports uLogin accounts. This includes account activation and password resets. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Application software support: F-Secure Anti-Virus support for community Installation of antivirus software. User Services Faculty,Staff
Assign/remove delegated rights to department email accounts Assigning rights to departmental email accounts when an administrator approves the request. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Banner: (Student, Financial Aid, Finance, Human Resources) The main academic and administrative system used at the University, handling class assignments, student records, financial information, etc. Reports and code written to enhance or automate processess needed by functional users. Enterprise Apps All
Banner: Document Management Banner Document Management is an imaging and document management solution that launches documents and content directly from Banner, providing secure access to this information and materials. Enterprise Apps Staff
Campus and ERP Virtual server environment Manage and support virtual server environment for campus wide services. Infrastructure All
Classroom and media spaces support documentation How-to-use documentation for classrooms and media installed event spaces. MRC
CloudPC (Citrix) Provides published applications to university users. Infrastructure Faculty,Students,Staff
CloudPC (Citrix) Application installation Investigate the viability of installing or upgrading applications in the Citrix environment. Infrastructure IT service
Computer Hardware: Centrally-provided PCs for all full-time faculty and staff Provide new computer equipment to eligible faculty and staff. See User Services Faculty,Staff
Computer Hardware: Onsite Visits Provide onsite support for faculty and staff who have desktops. User Services Faculty,Staff
Computer Hardware: Support Hardware support for computer equipment is provided to those who have a Drew provided computer. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Computer Hardware: Upgrades Provide new computer equipment to eligible faculty and staff. See User Services Faculty,Staff
Computer lab configuration for academic facilities. Provide configuration and technical assistance for specialized computer labs such as Art and Media & Communications. Infrastructure Faculty,Students
Computer Science Virtual server environment Manage and support virtual server environment for computer science and other academic departments. Infrastructure Faculty,Students
Consultation and design for technology enhanced learning spaces (classrooms and meeting rooms). Consult with faculty about classroom design and implementation. Instructional Technology Faculty,Staff
Create club/group accounts Create club/group accounts at the request of student affairs or individual faculty and staff. User Services Faculty,Staff
Create group/dept email addresses Creating group/department email addresses requested by appropriate faculty and staff. User Services Faculty,Staff
Critical Classroom support 1ITS Immediate classroom support via x3001. Technician dispatched if problem can’t be resolved over phone. MRC
Critical Event support Phone support for campus events, the ability to dispatch staff or students to events in need. MRC
Domain of One’s Own training We can help create accounts and support installation of Domain of One’s Own. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
Duo Security: Lockout Account lockout and recovery is provided to anyone with a uLogin. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Duo Security: Support Duo Security enrollment, unenrollment and support is provided to anyone with a uLogin. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Event or class video post production Video editing, online posting and file creation of recorded events. MRC Faculty,Students,Staff
Event or class video production Video production for classes and special events MRC Faculty,Students,Staff
Google Workspace: Documentation Documentation can be found at We will create any documentation needed for Drew specific instances. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Google Workspace: Support Help with technical troubleshooting issues and consultation support for best practices in using Drew supported Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) applications. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Google Workspace: Training Workshops on these topics are scheduled regularly. We will also schedule one on one and group trainings by request. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Group Workshops A schedule of workshops on Drew-issued or Drew recommended software platform will be published each semester. These workshops are open to all faculty, staff and students. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
In-class training for student assignments We offer in-class training for students on support technologies that faculty are using in their coursework. Instructional Technology Students
Installation and Maintenance of indoor cable plant. Cabling that supports all campus network functions – includes fiber optic and telephone Infrastructure IT service,All
Installation and Maintenance of outdoor cable plant Cabling that supports all campus network functions – includes fiber optic and telephone Infrastructure IT service,All
Installation for technology enhanced learning spaces (classrooms and meeting rooms). Installation, maintenance and support of technology equipment. Instructional Technology Faculty,Staff
Loaner: iPad A loaner iPad is available to staff, faculty and students on a limited basis. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
Loaner: Laptop A loaner laptop is available to students, staff and faculty on a limited basis. See Loaner Policy. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Manage access to network folders Access to network folders are given when approved by appropriate manager. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Microsoft Office Suite: Documentation Documentation can be found at We will create any documentation needed for Drew specific instances. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
Microsoft Office Suite: Installations UT Helpdesk can provide Microsoft Office Suite installations to on campus computers. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Microsoft Office Suite: Support Help with technical troubleshooting issues and consultation support for best practices in using Drew supported Microsoft Office Suite applications. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
Microsoft Office Suite: Training Workshops on these topics are scheduled each semester. We will also schedule one on one and group trainings by request. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
Monitor Suspicious Emails UT will monitor suspicious emails and report them to the campus as necessary. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff
Moodle: Administration Completing start and end of semester procedures on Moodle. Instructional Technology Faculty
Moodle: Course restores Moving course content from one semester to another. Instructional Technology Faculty
Moodle: Documentation Moodle offers support documentation. We will create any documentation needed for Drew specific instances. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
Moodle: Software installation and support Evaluation and implementation of Moodle plugin requests. Instructional Technology Faculty
Moodle: Support Troubleshooting support with technical issues and consultation support for best practices for different Moodle modules. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff
Moodle: Training and Consultation We can help you incorporate technology into digital course assignments and identify technologies to address pedagogical and curricular challenges and goals. Instructional Technology Faculty,Students,Staff Web enabled access to campus network folders. Infrastructure Faculty,Students,Staff
Network Tier 1 support and confirmation of network connectivity, collecting basic troubleshooting information. User Services Faculty,Students,Staff