Kaiama Glover “Adventures in Caribbean Digital Praxis”

Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, 6pm: Kaiama L. Glover is Ann Whitney Olin Professor of French and Africana Studies and Faculty Director of the Digital Humanities Center at Barnard College, Columbia University. She has written extensively about Caribbean literature, gender, and postcoloniality. She is the founding co-editor of archipelagos | a journal of Caribbean digital praxis and the founding co-director of the digital humanities project In the Same Boats: Toward an Afro-Atlantic Intellectual Cartography.

A lecture by Roopika Risam
“Building New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Practice”

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, 7:00 pm, Virtual presentation (past event)
Roopika Risam is Chair of Secondary and Higher Education and Associate Professor of Education and English at Salem State University. She is the author of New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy (Northwestern UP, 2018) and co-editor of The Digital Black Atlantic (Debates in the Digital Humanities series, University of Minnesota Press, 2021), South Asian Digital Humanities (Routledge, 2020), and Intersectionality in Digital Humanities (Arc Humanities Press, 2019). She is founding co-editor of Reviews in Digital Humanities, a journal offering peer review of digital scholarship.
Funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Click here for event flyer

Wednesday, November 11th 2020, 6:00 pm, Virtual presentation

Victoria Szabo, Research Professor of Art, Art History & Visual Studies and graduate faculty in the Computational Media, Arts & Cultures program at Duke University.
Funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Talk: “The Humanities in 3D: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Digital Knowledge”
Click here for event flyer

Monday, March 16 – 4:15 pm

Integrating Digital Approaches and Domains of One’s Own into Courses
Rebecca Soderholm, Art, DSEM
Sandra Jamieson, English
Susan Rosenbloom, Sociology
Josh Kavaloski, German

Thursday, Feb 27 – 4:15 pm – DH Space, Library

Information Session for faculty interest in participating in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2020

Thursday, Feb 20, 4:15 pm, DH Space, Library

Ellie Small, Data Science, Norma Gilbert Junior Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Talk: “Abstract Mining and Event Relationships”

Tuesday, February 11 – 12:00-1:00pm, Archives classroom

Gareth Lloyd, Archivist, John Rylands Library
Talk: “Digitization at the John Rylands Library”
This presentation will cover the Rylands library’s new digital preservation system, public access platforms, and digital collections. Open to the whole Drew community.

Monday, February 10

Jacqueline Wernimont, Inaugural Chair of Digital Humanities and Social Engagement and Associate Prof. of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Dartmouth College

4:00 pm – BC-120
Faculty Workshop: “Performing Archives: Digital, Sonic, and Haptic Representations”
Wernimont has drawn on a number of different media, from textiles to text analysis, in order to “perform archives.” In this workshop, she will lead participants in some hands-on work with haptic and sonification tools, as well as looking at several examples of digital performing archives.

7:00 pm – LC-28
Talk: “Early Data Bodies and Anglo-American Empire”
Drawing from her recent book, Numbered Lives: Life and Death in Quantum Media, Wernimont will discuss the imperial logics of “quantum media,” particularly the earliest self-tracking technologies from 16th-century “waywisers” to colonial pedometers and the gendered use of self-tracking in elite dance and athletic cultures in Anglo-America. The discussion will include ideological connections between 21st devices and those of the pre- or early modern era.

Thursday, January 30th, 4:00 pm, DH Space, Library

Danielle ReayDigital Scholarship Technology Manager
An Introduction to the HathiTrust Research Center and JSTOR Data for Research
This workshop will introduce participants to text analysis tools and services available from both the  HathiTrust, a digital library and repository of over 17 million items digitized through a network of partner libraries, and JSTOR Data for Research, a service that provides datasets including metadata, and n-grams for content in JSTOR.

DHSI 2020 — May 18th through June 12th

Spring 2020 Working Groups
In addition to the above events, we are forming working groups, which will be informal, self-directed groups for faculty with shared interests. They are open to anyone with an interest in the topic no matter your level of expertise.  Each group will have a convener whose name is listed below. If you have an idea for another working group topic, please propose it.

R — Yi Lu, Mathematics and Computer Science
Mapping — Lisa Jordan, ESS