Tools & Resources
- Omeka, platform for creating on-line exhibits and curated collections
- ESRI StoryMaps, combine maps with narrative content, images, multiple media material
- Voyant, text analysis tools
- Recogito, semantic annotation for text and images
- R Studio, data analytics and visualization tool
- The Unessay
- Open Notebooks
- Hypothesis, collaborative text annotation tool for PDFs
- Tableau, data visualization tool
- Knight Labs Timeline — build interactive timelines with images, text, and data
- Tidy Text Guide to Text Mining with R (Julia Silge and David Robinson)
- ArcGIS Online — mapping tools
- Carto — mapping and spatial analysis
Organizations and Conferences
- Mapping (In)Justice Symposium at Fordham University
- THATCamp | The Humanities and Technology Camp
- R-CADE Symposium: TRASH
- Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School
- HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory)
- HASTAC Annual Conference 2019: Decolonizing Technologies, Reprogramming Education, Vancouver, May 16-18, 2019
- Gordon Research Conference: Visualization in Science and Education
DH Centers and Initiatives
Academic Centers and Initiatives
- Austin College
- Arizona State University
- Bucknell University
- Cambridge University
- Davidson College
- Duke University
- Farleigh-Dickenson
- Fordham University
- Hamilton College
- Occidental College
- Princeton University
- Seton Hall University
- University of Richmond
- Washington and Lee University
- Yale University
Highlighted Projects
- Civil War Letters
- Princeton Slavery Project
- Princeton Prosody Archive
- Totality for Kids
- Black Liberation 1969 Archive
- Still Looking for You
- Eighteenth-Century Poets Connect
- Willa Cather Archive
- The Mind is Metaphor
- Torn Apart/Separados
- Robots Reading Vogue
Outside Grants
DH Readings
Selected Drew Library Holdings
- Burdick, Anne et al. Digital Humanities. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2012.
- Hirsch, Brett D. Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Politics. Open Book, 2012.
- McCarty, Willard and Marilyn Deegan. Collaborative Research in the Digital Humanities. Ashgate, 2012.
- Vanhoutte, Edward, Julianne Nyhan and Melissa Terras. Defining Digital Humanities. Ashgate, 2013.
Public Scholarship
Wikipedia Edit-a-thons
These are events where people edit Wikipedia together. Typically focused on a specific topic, such as science or women’s history, they provide a way to give new-comers an insight into how Wikipedia works, while getting real work done on the encyclopedia.
- Information from Wikipedia
- Italian cinema
- UNL targets Wikipedia’s gender gap with hackathon (prominent female Nebraskans)
- A Feminist Edit-a-Thon Seeks to Reshape Wikipedia (women in the arts)
These are projects that involve transcribing usually handwritten documents.
- Transcribing Modern Manuscripts: C19 letters & diaries addressing abolitionism, women’s suffrage, & everyday life
- Transcribe Bentham: crowdsourcing the transcription of Jeremy Bentham’s previously unpublished manuscripts. (UCL)
- Jane Addams Digital Edition, Transcription Project at Ramapo College
- Citizen Archivist project at the U.S. National Archives— also includes tagging opportunities
- United Methodist Church, General Commission on Archives and History,
photo album transcription project
- National Archives Citizen Archivist tagathon project at Drew University Library, November 9, 2017
- Metadata Games: open source crowdsourcing game platform– connects to a variety of crowdsourced tagging and transcription projects in game format
- [More about Social Tagging projects: Tag it!]
Other projects
- Zooniverse: “the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research”