How to get started

The first step in the application process is to ask a faculty member if they will mentor a summer research project. Many faculty have ongoing research projects and would welcome student participation, particularly from interested and motivated students in their classes. You may also have your own research idea that you want to pursue with a faculty member.

We recommend you establish contact with a potential DSSI mentor in the December-March time frame, although earlier is always better. Most DSSI students find mentors by simply asking their instructors. For more information on finding a DSSI mentor, contact the program director, Dr. Brianne Barker at or look at the Mentors and Projects Page.

Once you and your faculty mentor have discussed a mutually agreeable project, applying to the program is easy. You can find the application linked on this page when the application is open.

What are the requirements while participating in DSSI?

Students and mentors plan individual details of the research project and day-to-day aspects of the research. Students are expected to be working on this project during the structured program dates. Students are expected to attend a weekly DSSI group meeting and give a presentation on their research during one week’s meeting. Students are also expected to present their completed research at Drew’s Day of Scholars event in the spring. There may be other activities required based to earn credit as an Immersive Experience or in accordance with the rules of the student’s funding source.

Who can participate in DSSI?

DSSI is open to Drew University undergraduate students. Students are not able to participate in DSSI after they have graduated.

Are there course prerequisites?

Students having completed one year of appropriate science courses are eligible. Those who have already participated in the Drew Summer Science Institute are eligible; preference will be given to new applicants.

Can I have other employment during the summer?

You may not have other full time employment during your DSSI work period.

How long should a project be?

You design the length of the project in consultation with your faculty mentor. Projects typically take 8-10 weeks.

When does the program begin?

The program begins with a kickoff meeting. Some flexibility may be allowed in start and end dates in consultation with your faculty mentor and the DSSI director.

Are off-campus research projects considered?

In certain cases, off-campus projects are considered, although highest funding priority is given to on-campus projects.

What kind of housing is available?

Double occupancy on campus housing is provided free of charge. Single housing is available for a slight additional charge.

What is the stipend?

You will be paid $400/week for each week of full time work in the program.