
Drew University’s Community Education Audit (CEA) program provides adult community members and visiting Au Pairs the opportunity to sit in on undergraduate courses during the fall and spring terms at a substantially reduced fee.

Application Opens: June 1 for the Fall term and November 1 for the Spring term

  • A new application must be completed each term.
  • Students will receive an admission decision via email 4-7 business days after your application is submitted.
  • Applications close at 12 noon on the first Friday of the term.

Registration Opens: Monday of the week prior to term start

  • Click here to view the College of Liberal Arts academic calendar for the term start date. Click on College of Liberal Arts Academic Calendar under the Current Academic Calendars section.
  • Registration for classes is completed online.
  • You must set up your Drew account to access registration, instructions are included in your acceptance letter.
  • You may register for two courses per term. If a course you are interested in is full, you will need to select another class.
  • You many only register for classes in the College of Liberal Arts. Graduate School or Theological School classes are not available to auditors.

Who Can Participate?

  • Adults (24 yrs & older) who hold an undergraduate or advanced degree or have special interests or educational needs.
  • Visiting Au Pairs, as long as they can demonstrate a proficiency with English and can commit to attending class on a regular basis.


Please consult the Tuition and Fee Schedule webpage for information about costs; in the “College of Liberal Arts” dropdown menu, click the link for the current academic year.  The majority of courses offered are 4 credit courses, although there may be a few 1-2 credit courses available.  Please note that ART courses may have additional fees for materials.

Tuition fees include access to all Drew facilities for the term. Please refer to the “Parking” section below for additional details on how to obtain your parking pass.

More Information About…

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the semester start and end?

Check the College of Liberal Arts Calendar for the first and last day of class.

 What is the attendance policy?

Auditors are expected to attend class regularly, particularly Au Pairs who are fulfilling a requirement as part of their employment in the United States. Being absent for 1 or 2 classes per term is generally not an issue, but you should check with the class instructor to discuss the attendance policy for your class.

 How can I get proof that I attended the class?

Auditors and Au Pairs may request a transcript from the Office of the Registrar via TreeHouse (instructions are available on the Registrar’s Office website).

  • Each 4 credit undergraduate class equals at least 36 contact hours.
  • Final grades are rolled 5 days after the end of the term, which is when you should submit your transcript request.

How do I know what materials I need for class?

Information about class materials will be in the class syllabus provided to you on or before the first day of class.

What do I do if I want to take a class that has a pre-requisite?

You may email the instructor and ask if you can be added to the course. Explain that you are part of the CEA program and share with the instructor any pertinent background information so they can make an informed decision. Perhaps you want to take an upper level language course and you are fluent in the language, or an upper level psychology course and you have studied psychology in the past at another college or university. If the instructor approves, give the instructor your student ID# and ask them to put in a “Prerequisite or Test Score” override for the class, which will then allow you to register for the class. (Please note that you still need to wait until the CEA registration period before you an actually register online).

How do I find an instructor’s email address?

Using your Drew email, type the instructors name in the To: box which should autofil their email address.

Do I have to do homework, papers, required reading or take tests?

Generally, auditors are not expected to do homework, write papers or take tests. However, you will get more out of the class if you keep up with the reading and assignments.  Instructors are not expected to grade papers or exams for auditors and you will not be given a grade at the end of the term.  Please speak directly with your instructor on the first day of class to discuss their expectations.

How to Find Classes

To access the schedule for the upcoming term click here and follow the instructions below to see classes available to CEA students: 

  • Go to Treehouse.drew.edu and click the Student tab
  • In the Registration Tools box, select Look Up Classes
  • Select the appropriate term from the list and click Submit.
  • Do not select a Subject, click the “Advanced Search” button instead.
  • Scroll down to the Attribute Type box and select: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair
  • Scroll up to the top of the page and click: Complete CLA Listing
  • Along the left-hand side you will either see a check box or a C, any class with a C is closed and not available for registration.

It is important to make note of the five digit “CRN” number listed for the course. You will use this number to register for the class.

Note: the letter “R” in the “Meets” section stands for Thursday. MTWRF = Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Note: Art studio courses, science labs, business and computer science courses are not generally open to Community Auditors due to the high demand from Drew undergraduates.

Please note that if you are able to enroll in an ART course, there may be an additional fees for materials.

How to Register for Classes

Registration: Please follow the instructions below to register as an auditor in a class:

  1. Go to TreeHouse.drew.edu and click on the Student tab.
  2. Select Register/Add or Drop Classes from the Registration Tools box.
  3. Select the appropriate term from the drop-down and click Submit.
    • You may see a financial obligation agreement, if you do, read through the form and  scroll to the bottom to complete the form and move to the next screen.
  4. Enter the 5-digit CRN(s) of the classes you identified from the schedule in the first open CRN box and click Submit Changes.
  5. If successful, under the Action column (above the CRN boxes) use the drop-down to select”Audit Class – No Grade” and click Submit Changes.Audit Class No Grade
  6. Verify all of your registrations say Audit Class – No Grade under the Status column.
    Current Schedule Audit Class No Grade Status

Registration Error Messages: If you receive an error message when attempting to register like “PREREQUISITE AND TEST SCORE ERROR”, you will need to reach out to the instructor for an override. Please refer to the Registration Error Messages and What to Do section of the Registrar’s Office registration webpage.

Dropping a Class: If you are registered for multiple classes, you may drop a class on your own. Please refer to the Dropping a Class With or Without a W section of the Registrar’s Office registration webpage

Additional registration guides are available here: https://drew.edu/academic/office-of-the-registrar/registration/

Viewing Your Schedule

Please follow the instructions below to view your class schedule:

  1. Go to TreeHouse.drew.edu and click on the Student tab.
  2. Select Class Schedule from the Registration Tools box.
  3. Your schedule will display any successfully registered classes, detailing the meeting times, dates, location and instructor. 
Contact Hours


You will not receive credit for auditing a course, but you will gather contact hours. Each four credit undergraduate course at Drew University meets for a minimum of 36 hours. Any courses meeting for less than 36 contact hours are noted in the course descriptions in this catalog. You must attend class on a regular basis, from beginning to end, in order to obtain your hours.

The only documentation we can provide is the transcript. We cannot complete any other documentation required by your host country. Our experience has shown that the transcript has been accepted by all Au Pair agencies and home countries as documentation that you have fulfilled your requirement and received “credit” for taking a class.

Health Forms

In the interest of maintaining a healthy campus and minimizing the risk to all students from infectious disease, health documents and vaccination records are required for all students, including Au Pairs and Community Education Auditors. Completed forms must be submitted prior to registration.

Please note that proof of vaccinations must include the month, day and year of the vaccination. The Health Office also requires proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccinations.If you have any questions about the Health Forms, please contact Health Services at 973-408-3414 or [email protected]. Please note: A $10 late fee will be assessed by Health Services if your health forms are not submitted by July 15 for the fall semester or January 15 for the spring semester. Students admitted 2 weeks (14 calendar days) or less before the appropriate due date, or admitted after the due date, have 30 calendar days from date of enrollment to submit forms on time. *Students admitted late should notify Health Services to avoid a late charge.

Access the required Health Forms here.

Books and Materials

You should make every effort to purchase the required books and do all the assigned reading. Many online bookstores like Amazon.com can provide you with text books at a discount. Type in your book’s ISBN number at the site’s search link and see what is available. Auditors are usually not required to take exams or write papers, but this is at the discretion of the instructor. Most professors encourage auditors to participate in discussion. 

Payments, Course Cancellations and Refunds


Drew’s Student Accounts Office will process all CEA auditor and Au Pair payments and refunds. Once you have registered online for class(es), you will be able to see your balance in your student account (in https://treehouse.drew.edu). It should appear 1-2 days after you register.

Electronic Payments:  You can make your payment by logging into Drew’s TreeHouse which will take you to afford.com/drew with your student account information already populated. Your TreeHouse login screen can be found at https://treehouse.drew.edu . Sign in with the user name and password you received from Drew and click on Students tab. In the Bills, Financial Aid…box click on Statement and Payment History. Under Payment Options, click on Make a One Time Payment which will take you directly to the entry page for payment at afford.com (make sure to select an academic term here) and then move through the prompts to enter your payment information. If you would prefer, you can go directly to afford.com/drew, and in the second box you will see the blue button on the right that says Make a One-Time Payment. You then enter your student account information yourself (remember to be careful to type the correct information so that your payment is not delayed), and then move through the prompts to enter your payment information. Electronic payment methods include: Master Card, American Express, or Discover Card (2.99% convenience fee added, $1.00 minimum fee) or using your Checking or Savings Account (no convenience fee added).

Walk-in/Mail-in payments: Visit the Student Accounts Office on Drew’s campus in the lower level of Brothers College (please refer to our campus map) or mail payment to: Drew University, Student Accounts, 36 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940. Please do not mail cash. Cash payments must be brought directly to the Student Accounts Office in the lower level of Brothers College. If you have further questions regarding your payment, please call our Student Accounts Office at 973 408 3114 and speak to a CEA payment representative. Or, visit the Student Accounts Office website.


If you decide to drop a course after the semester has begun, you must follow the drop instructions below by the appropriate drop deadline as indicated in the academic calendar.  Depending on the timing of the withdrawal/cancellation you may still be charged for all or part of the course fee. Additional details can be found in the Institutional Refund Policy.

Dropping a Class: If you are registered for multiple classes, you may drop a class on your own, using the instructions found on the Registrar’s Office website: https://drew.edu/academic/office-of-the-registrar/registration/add-or-drop-a-class-simultaneously/

Additional registration guides are available here: https://drew.edu/academic/office-of-the-registrar/registration/

  • Professors are under no obligation to grade papers or exams for Community Auditors, but do encourage reading and participating in discussion.
    • This program applies only to courses offered in the College of Liberal Arts.  For information on the Community Fellows program available in the Theological School please call 973/408-3571.  The Caspersen School of Graduate Studies does not allow auditors in its graduate classes.
    • The College of Liberal Arts office can place auditors in science or math lectures, but do not permit placement in a corresponding lab/recitation.  Lab details should be worked out individually with the instructor after the start of class.
      • Courses/programs offered through the Off-Campus Programs office are not available to Community Auditors including the Semester on Contemporary Art, the UN semester, the Wall Street semester, etc.
      • Drew Freshman Seminars (DSEMs), College Writing, and LAUNCH courses are not available to Community Auditors.
      Student ID Cards

      CEA students may request a student ID card after they have paid for their course. The ID card is valid for the term and will allow the student access to the library, Simon Forum, etc.

      Fill out the Drew University ID Card Request Form to request an ID card.

      More information about the various uses of a Drew ID card can be found here.


      All students are required to have a parking decal. Auditors will need to register for a decal each term they attend classes.  The cost for the permit/decal is $81 per semester.

      To register for a parking decal, please click here. You will need to select “Part Time Commuter” for the term you are registered. Students must create an account on this site prior to registering their vehicle.

      Please email Maria Trindade, [email protected] at Campus Security if you have any questions or concerns.