In 1979, Drew became the third institution in New Jersey to be granted a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.

Members are elected in the spring semester and an induction ceremony is held in April.

The History of Phi Beta Kappa

Five students at the College of William and Mary founded The Phi Beta Kappa Society in 1776, during the American Revolution. For more than two and a quarter centuries, the Society has embraced the principles of freedom of inquiry and liberty of thought and expression. Phi Beta Kappa (ΦΒΚ) stands for Φιλοσοφία Βίου Κυβερνήτης in Greek (Philosophia Biou Kubernetes in Latin letters), which means “Love of learning is the guide of life, ” the motto of the Society. These ideas, symbolized on Phi Beta Kappa’s distinctive gold key, still lay the foundations of personal freedom, scientific inquiry, liberty of conscience, and creative endeavor.

Today, the Phi Beta Kappa Society celebrates and advocates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. Phi Beta Kappa chapters invite for induction the most outstanding arts and sciences students at more than 290 leading U.S. colleges and universities. The Society sponsors activities to advance the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences in higher education and in society at large.

A network of associations provides Phi Beta Kappa members opportunities to stay connected and involved in their own communities. Each year, about one college senior in a hundred, nationwide, is invited to join The Phi Beta Kappa Society. Only about 10 percent of the nation’s institutions of higher learning have Phi Beta Kappa chapters. And only about 10 percent of the arts and sciences graduates of these distinguished institutions are invited to join The Phi Beta Kappa Society which makes the invitation process one of the most selective in the nation.

The ideal Phi Beta Kappa member has demonstrated intellectual integrity, tolerance for other views, and a broad range of academic interests. Since the Society’s founding in 1776, 17 U.S. Presidents, 42 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and more than 150 Nobel Laureates have been inducted as members, along with countless authors, diplomats, athletes, researchers, actors, and business leaders. Famous or not, all of our members have one thing in common their rigorous pursuit of excellence in the arts and sciences. Visit:

Below are the principal qualifications the chapter uses to determine whether the academic requirements have been met, and a list of members of the Drew Gamma Chapter of The Phi Beta Kappa Society:

Phi Beta Kappa Qualifications

Colleges and Universities with Phi Beta Kappa chapters may select only about 10 percent of the arts and sciences graduates to be invited to join. Membership is invitation-only; please note that students are automatically considered, i.e., without an application. Below are the principal qualifications the chapter uses to determine whether the minimum academic requirements have been met.

1) High GPA

The chapter applies different cutoffs for graduating seniors, juniors with enough credits to have senior standing, and juniors. These cutoffs are determined partly by limits the national organization imposes on the number of students the chapter can elect in a single year. In the past few years, all three cutoffs have been well above a 3.70 overall GPA.

2) Sufficient breadth of courses taken

Weight shall be given to the breadth and depth of study in the liberal arts and sciences, taking into account the number, variety, and level of courses taken outside the requirements of the major.

3) Knowledge of a second or non-native language at a level minimally appropriate for a liberal arts education

In no case shall this mean less than the completion of the intermediate college level in a second, or non-native, language, or its equivalent. Candidates demonstrate this knowledge by:

(a) completing language study through the intermediate level at Drew, or
(b) exhibiting proficiency in a non-native language, or in English as a second language.

4) Knowledge of mathematics at a level appropriate for a Drew liberal arts education requirement

Students demonstrate this knowledge by having completed at least one course in college-level mathematics, logic, statistics, or computer science, whether taken at Drew, earned through Advanced Placement, or transferred from another college. PHIL 213 – Introduction to Logic, also fulfills this requirement. Courses that satisfy Drew’s general education Q requirement are not necessarily mathematics courses and do not satisfy the Phi Beta Kappa math requirement except for those specified above.

5) Credits

The student must have earned at least 48 credits at Drew.

6) Character

Invitation to Phi Beta Kappa should be extended only to persons of good moral character, maintaining academic integrity and appropriate student conduct.

If you have questions about the requirements, please contact Joanna Miller, President, Drew University Phi Beta Kappa Gamma Chapter of New Jersey.


Fatin Amira Ahmad Hadri
Robert Angarone
Sam Antin
Renzo Bass
Ethan Bockhorn
Andrea Camacho-Tenreiro
Abigail Fennelly
Lauren Geiger
Spencer Hall
Parker Hough
Julia Hrynkiewicz
Natalia Jamiolkowski
F. Thomas Jones
Shane Kornecki
Richmond Aldous Kosasih
Aline Carla Kruger
Kyriaki Kyrkopoulou
Michelle Lombardi
Luis Enrique Lopez Rios
Hayden Mattson
Jaden Mena
Paula Milanez Zafalon
Harris Naqvi
Lucas Nurmi
Chekwubechi Okunowo
Eslianette Pagan
Molly Reidmiller
Grace Rinehart
Melinna Sanchez
Andrew Saylan
Julia Schelhorn
Sarah Selim
Jamie Smith
Ella Snyder
Grace Solomon
Haley Weber
Charlotte Wells
Angelae Wunderle
Phil Mundo (honorary)
Patricia Turvey (honorary)
Mehek Agrawal
Ziqing Bai
Johannah Bay
Michael Bickford
Ashley Birmingham
Zoe Bowser
Madison Buffington
Paige Caldwell
Hailei Clark
Rachel Comfort
jamie Lynn Connors
Sebastian Cristancho
Lauren DiRienzo
Emma-Li Downer
Gabriel Dutra
Cristabella R. Fortna
Virginia Gaylord
Kiersten Greiner
Jane Ann Hahn
Brianna Hernandez
Weronika Kalwa
Pooja Kasarapu
Omar Majumdar
Dillon McCarthy
Avianna Miller
Brent Murray
Harrison Neal
Suzanne Ott
Daniel Yejoon Park
Jeehae G. Park
Ryan Anthony Pittari
Jessica Poggi
Anisa Robinson
Yoshabel Rodriguez Cruz
Naria Rush
Elizabeth Shack
Andrew Ezra Sutter
Alexa Thomas
Adeline Traficonte
Hannah Weinstein
Celine Alhout
Jazmine Andes
Tessa Bagby
Jason Brause
Caroline Chovanes
Richard Coltenback
Marwa Elessawy
Evan Fairweather
Candace Foltiny
Bryanna Gould
Melanie Haber
Katherine Higgins
Hayden Holz
Caio Hummel Hohl
Ido Keren
Dana Kit
Angelia Lobifaro
Olivia Mango
Robert Marsh
Helen Navas Carrera
Tess Needham
Kelly Notine
Joseph Obonyo
Krystal Palmer
Genesis Perez
Hannah Primiano
Chara Proud
Justin Roskam
Carly Schiller
Anna Smith
Ruiyang Zhang
Maxxe Albert-Deitch
Angelo Angione
Nora Anton
Minjae Bang
Aaron Baxter
Shady Barsoom
Antonio Boffa
Christine Bradshaw
Caleb Dean
Steven Dechert
William DeJianne
Lauren DeLillo
Riya Divekar
Connor Durand
Meghan Fonseca-Colon
Valentine Honutse
Njemile Hylton
Daniel Kellaway
Kaitlyn Lauckner
Han Le
June Lee
Jiahao Lun
Graham Munro-Ludders
David Nesterov-Rappoport
Hanniella Ouedraogo
Karishma Patel
Stephen Rampolla
Arman Sawhney
Rahman Sayed
Yusef Shibly
Michael Steves
Lisa Stites
Ryan Strauss
Robert Sutter
Theresa Vaillancourt
Ved Vengsarkar
Evelyn Viveiros
Amy Zavecz
Bongwe, Bongiwe
Boulter, Colin
Costa, Vincent
Franco Garibay, Kassel
Goldstein, Lloyd
Hadler, Lena
Hand, Virginia
House, Peter
Kuek, Mathilda
Kwok, Tien Er
Lee, Oscar
Liao, Keyi
Maegerlein, Kelly
Munoz, Anthony
Paniti, Robert
Potts, Thomas
Raska, Karel
Robbins, Damien
Sandonato, Adam
Scarpanito, Jillian
Schneider, Milla
Schooler, Khai
Sempertegui, Monique
Thomas, Emma
Vishwanath, Malavika
Vu, Megan
Waldmann, Kirstin
Watson, Haley
Windbiel, Genevieve
Wong, Gwen Lyne
Akbary, Zarina Fatama
Boillotat, Nicolette Rose
Dabao, Angelica Marie
DePierro, Samantha
DiSalvo, Domenico Michael
Gillespie, Emma Elizabeth
Greulich, Alexandra Noel
Hahn, Marina
Hartwick, Kelly
Hassan, Mohammed Sayed
Ioffredo, Leslie Ruth
Juall, Robert
Kim, Ruth
Miller, Shayna Racquel
Moldawsky, Jaclyn
Morreale, Julia Francesca
Muratore, Hunter
Pearce, Alexander G.
Rinald, John
Rizzo, Alexarae
Segal, Lydia
Shannon, Caitlin Bonita
Siciliano, Brianna Maria
Thexton, Brady James
Winters, Brooke

2019 Phi Beta Kappa initiation Photos


Alex, Julie
Berger, Camille Elizabeth
Caragine, Crystal
Cipolla, Kyra Jean
Clancy, Michael
Costello, Keith
Cserhat, Nikolai
Farbanish, Amanda
Gadelmawla, Engy
Gautam, Darci
Goncalves Severgnini, Marianna
Hanandeh, Laila
Hasanovic, Razija (Raza)
Kantheti, Uma
Kim, Yeonjung
Lehman, Brooke
McCormack, Mary
Moorhead, Jeffrey
Muncharaz Duran, Marta
Murray, Jesse
Nadler, Ian
Parenti, Justina
Ready, Robert
Ruark, Alexis
Van Dongen, David
Young, Alexa

2018 Phi Beta Kappa Initiation Photos


Annarelli, Kathleen
Bloodgood, Ashley
Brittain, Laura
Calingo, Brian
Candia, Robert
Coates Fuentes, Zoe
Donofrio, Brianna
Dorrity, Tyler
Dorvil, Danielle
Edziah, Jed-Joan
Fulreader, Rachael
Gotto, Joseph
Grenier, Isabelle
Knight, Abigail
Kubin, Emily
Laracuente, Michelle
LaRocca, Austin
Nadel, Leah
Palen, Trexy Reich
Pollak, Heather
Pupek, Justyna
Rodrigues, Jonathan
Rosa, Tiana
Ruhle, Victoria
Trzasko, Courtney
Turner, David
Wynen, Marybeth
Zbieranowski, Alexa
Arismendy Orozco, Jhon
Barkley, Jessica
Dittus, Mitchell
Gaston, Daniel
Holland, Libby
Hughes, Zoe
Kucinski, Theresa
Lacey, Samantha
Mone, Irene
Montalvo, Cynthia
Patel, Richa
Ramirez, Silvia
Santos, Melanie
Sparozic, Felicia
Stenger, Andrew
Teters, Jonathan
Tracy, Taylor
Trivedi, Jal
Van Dongen, Jonathan
Worthington, Cassandra
Yasin, Saif
Zeigler, Kristin
Lindsey Danielle Altongy

Luis Alberto Baca

Anne D. Celestin

Marci B. Cole

Kristina Marie Corso

Addison J. Del Mastro

Catherine J. Hudman

Clara E. Keane

Arham Adnan Khan

Madeline R. Lederer

Ian M. Lowry

Oksana Mayovska

Elena M. McKeown

Allison Ann Megale

Tyler Lee Metteer

Frank Dominic Minio

Katherine J. Moran

Laura C. Mulholland

John M. Nogiewich

Chukwuebuka Oraegbu

Mark D. Patronella

Alyssa Beth Petersen

Thomas H. Price

Elizabeth P. Regedanz

Sarah Robinson

Isabel M. Romero

William A. Sandberg

Eliza G. Sheff

Sana Hiba Siddiqui

Midori Tagawa

Jessica L. Tilzer

Margarita Varnavskaia

David Aguilar Villagomez

Sandra C. Almeida

Arsenoi Asfour

Pawel Buczek

Mariel Anna Caputo

Samantha A. Cassidy

Samantha Edwards

Melissa Ann Eppinger

Ugomma C. Eze

Sabrina Fruci

Gregory L. Gedman

Zoe Grenier

Mariel A. Hooper

Alae Zenab Kawam

Mary G. Lamont

Christina R. Leriche

Kristen J. Luehs

Vincent Maggio

Andrew Timothy McGibbon

Evelyn E. Meisenbacher

Kishan Vinay Patel

Sarah Irene Petry

Karina P. Russ

Corinne Elizabeth Schoch

Stephen A. Silva

Andrew J. Somps

Allison Rose Staniec

Raymond A. Voorman Jr.

Katherine Rebecca Yasser

Timothy A. Andres

Brittany Marie Barreto

Jack H. Beers

Amberly Nicole Beye

Matthew Michael Carroll

Nicholas D. Chiappini

Joel E. Chapman

Megan R. Chellew

Katelyn Rose Cusmano

Barbara M. Diogo

Claire J. DuLaney

Maria E. Falzone

Adam D. Fanslau

Samantha Lynn Friedman

Khemani M. Gibson

Steven Paul Ketchum

Caroline Monica Kuras

Nicole Kuruszko

Alexis Mariah

Caitlin Olivia Mattera

Katarina McKeever

River D. Merz

Kyle J. Messina

Christina Ocampo

Jonathan M. Rizzi

Kristine Emily Rogers

Marisa Elizabeth Romanowski

Amanda Marie Rubin

Rachel M. Schachter

Craig M. Wagenblast

Madeline M. Wenz

Rebecca Fusi Whetten-Goldstein

Erik Anderson University of Colorado
Frances Bernstein Brown University
Sunita Bhargava Drew University
Chris Boesel Westmont College
Cassie Brand Goucher College
Lisa Brenner Barnard College
Vivian Bull Albion College
Heather Cammarata-Seale Drew University
Paolo Cucchi Fordham University
Lillie Edwards Oberlin, Zeta of Ohio
Roxanne Friedenfels University of Wisconsin
Vincent Gullo City College of NY
Verna Holcomb Drew University
Laurel Kearns Florida State University
Caitlin Killian Swarthmore College
Minjoon Kouh MIT
Margaret Kuntz Douglas College
Edye Lawler College of St. Catherine, MN
John Perry Leavell Emory University
Jesse D. Mann Dickinson College
Maria Masucci Kenyon College
Christina McKittrick Davidson College
Christopher Medvecky The College of New Jersey
Joanna Miller University of Wisconsin
John Muccigrosso Amherst College
Adijat Mustapha Drew University
Emily Nemens Brown University
Bob Ready Drew University
Paris Scarano Drew University
Gary Simpson Dennison University
Steve Surace New York University
Kristen Turner Bucknell
Carol Ueland Mount Holyoke College
Linda Van Blerkom University of Colorado/Boulder
Sara Webb Macalester College